Chapter 33

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Volt slams on the ground creating an electric current that spreads all over the battle field

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Volt slams on the ground creating an electric current that spreads all over the battle field.

Lighting shoots across the sky.

"I can take all 3 of you down, none of you don't stand a chance me." Volt said proudly.

"That's why you think" Tifa said.

"As long As we work together we will never fail." Author said.

Nico just bows down and gets in fighting stance.

Lilly and the others where watching from The side lines.

"You can do this Author!" Lilly cheers.

"This fight won't be a walk in the park I can feel the electricity surgeing through Volt." Alex said.

"It's a shame I can't participate if electricity wasint so overpowering to water I would had defeated Volt in a flash.

"Sidon don't make me laugh you would still get owend." Dusk teased.

Volt laughed and then charged up his electricity!

Author and the others had there gaurd up.

Volt glows white and moved with extreme speed.

Author and the others jump out the way.

Volt smiled and He then released a wave of electricity shocking Author Nico and Tifa.

Tifa grunts in pain as her and the others land .

"Is that the best you got!?" she mocked while she summons ice shards in the sky and have them rain down on Volt.

Volt received a lil damage but he ignores it.

Volt jumps in the air and summons swift attack sending hundreds of stars raining down on the others.

Author closed his eyes and used his aura to dodge them.

Nico ran at full speed towards Volt dodgeing everything .

He jumps in the air to perform high jump kick but right at the moment he was about to strike Volt looks up and has a cocky smile, he quickly moves out the way and Nico crashed to the ground causeing him to received great damage.

Nico gets up ignoring the pain brushing it off.

"Heh heh you got to be faster than that if you want hit- " Before Volt could finish his sentence Author punch him right in the face!

"Whoa nice one Author!" Tifa smiled.

"Grrrr you little punk your going to regret that." volt growls.

Volt jumps back and charges up full with electricity and charges towards author!

Volt jumps back and charges up full with electricity and charges towards author!

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