Chapter 47

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".....I can't believe it...I thought it would work..."Tifa said

"Wow author I can't belive you let Alex die for nothing.... No wait you just sat there and let our friend blow himself to kingdom come!" dusk roars.

"I didn't let him die Dusk he made that choice on his own to save our lives!" Author said.

"Hah save our lives are you kidding me he thew his life away for NOTHING LOOK UP ON THE SKY AUTHOR WHAT DO YOU SEE...A GIANT METEOR IN THE SKY.....its indestructible can't be destoyed....our last hope along with our best friend is now space dust and you all let him die!" dusk scolds.

"...Dusk, Alex saved us all he gave us hope" Cid said.

"Hope what hope?! We have 9 days untill we all die....what Hope do we have Author...,we are all doomed its over." Dusk said.

"No it's not !" Author said.

Dusk growls and looks at author

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Dusk growls and looks at author

"Author its over learn to quit and throw in the towel

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"Author its over learn to quit and throw in the towel." dusk said.

"Q-quit we are hero's we never give up!" Sidon said.

"Well we should ,were going to die anyway." Dusk said.

"We can't give up now we promised Rose.....we promised Lilly..." Author said.

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