Chapter 39

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"Malthizar summond a meteor?!" Author asked in shock.

"Yes....the red star is a world eraser once it's summond it can't be stoped the meteor is in destructible it cant be stoped no matter what you do.....only the one who summoned it will survive......and judging by the size ......once it hits.....not just lato but the planet will be wiped out." Twilight said.

"You can't be serious it has to be away to stop it can't you look into the future tell me is there anyway at all we could stop it?" Author asked desperately.

"I'll try again"Twilight said.
Twilight sighs and the gem on her head glows.

After a few moments she opens her eyes.

"....I've looked at over 5000 out comes...." Twilight said.

"Ok that's good in which one do we live?" Author asked.

Twilights ears folded back.
"No matter what we do...beat malthizar or not....the meteor will still kill us all." twilight said.

" long do we have?" Author asked.

"12 sorry..." Twilight said.

"Where the others?" Author asked.

"There down stairs ." twilight said.

"Wait so where are we?" Author asked.

"The grass kingdom" She said.


Alex, Dusk ,Sidon , Tifa ,Luna ,Nico ,Ember and Cid were all sitting around a camp fire.

"Hey guys" Author waves.

Everyone turns around and smiles.
"Hey your finally awake this is awesome." Alex said.

"We were starting to get worried." Tifa said.

They all started to frown.

"Author.....we don't know how to tell you this but lilly...." Cid trailed off.

"Was taken by malthizar ...." Author said.

"And the meteor......?" Alex asked.

"Yes.....that too." Author said.

"So now what do we do?" Dusk asked.

"We can give up and go home" Luna suggested.

"No we are not going home we can't just give up!" Tifa growls.

"What do we do then....we have 15 days till a giant meteorite kills us all and might I add it's in destructible not to mention we got 4 of the most powerful pokemon going around causeing destruction everywhere they go and Malthizar and his gang of freaks disappeared along with Lilly what can we do?!" Dusk asked.

No body said a word they all looked down in sadness.

"What are we going to do Author ?" Alex asked.

They all looked to him.

Author backed up a bit..

"I-I don't know.....I don't know....." Author said as he went back inside.

Author say on the bed holding his head.

He felt as if this was all his fault.

Roses Death , Lilly being kidnapped the legendary pokemon attacking and now the meteor....

He had no idea what to do.

Author closed his eyes.

"Author.......Author do you hear me?" a voice called out.

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