The Giving of Gifts

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“HOORAY!” was the resounding cheer.

The pups had grown up quite a lot since their birth a year ago, the entire pack was getting together to celebrate their first birthday (even Peter came along). Looking over them all, their growth had increased much faster than what a normal babe would. If one was to come across them, they may think of them as perhaps a preschooler rather than a simple baby. They had all had tests on the children and after some DNA studies it was made aware to the rest of the pack that Lyra was not actually a wolf, she was simply human.

Lyra was sitting in the lap of Lydia; who she had grown quite close to. Lyra was smoothing out Lydia’s skirt as they were playing with one of her dolls in the far corner, although really she was more just giving the child fashion tips on how dolls should be dressed.

“If in doubt always take note of the colour pad I’ve painted out for you, now which colour scheme goes best with red?” The pretty girl smiled and ignoring the chart, pointed at Lydia, tugging on her scarlet cotton cardigan, continued smoothing Lydia’s ruffled black skirt. Lydia laughed! Lyra had grown to be even more charming than she was on the first day the pack met her. Her dark tendrils had deepened to a black ebony, with thick waves, it was tied in a half up, half down, complete with a bow. Her chocolate eyes sparkled with intrigue and were observant to the smallest of things.

“Remember Lyra! Black goes with anything.” She winked. 

Isaac was in the middle of the lounge room with Justin and Callum rolling on top of him. Justin and Callum, who had the nutmeg brown hair of their dad stiles, were always next to each other, whether they be arguing or laughing. Although these two were identical, it was astounding how different they were. Justin seemed to feed off of causing laughter and chaos, but Callum was fairly mature, and was constantly giving his twin disapproving looks. However the two were inseparable.

Abbey and James were playing hide and seek with each other behind the various objects in the room, Peter made sure to keep a sharp eye on them so they wouldn't get into any mischief.

Laura was being cradled by Malia on one of the other lounges, being the only one asleep out of all the pups, her blonde angel curls sticking out all over the place. Laura was quite a shy little thing, always trying to hide under everything and sitting in corners by herself. She was also the only one who looked even remotely close to her age; it appeared her growth was not progressing quite as quickly as her brothers and sisters, and according to Deaton that had to do with the magic inside her blood. Her magic had developed at an alarming rate, although she didn’t always have control over it. When she was sleeping, lights could sometimes be seen from the pups’ nursery. Tiny coloured lights would float around her soothing her, and entertaining the other pups. On the full moon, when the others didn't fully shift, but got severely agitated, she would sprout large black, feathered wings, and a long fluffy tail. This alarmed her and caused her to get upset. In addition, she would also lose all control of her power, causing random burst of magic to cause discord among the Hale house. Toy dolls would start walking around the house, knives would start floating; Derek’s beard even grew at an alarming rate due to one of her magic outbursts (much to the packs entertainment). But after the sun rose, all objects would return to their natural state and Laura’s wings would vanish. The first couple of times this happened the pack was terrified, but soon they learnt to accept, and deal with it. Malia, felt a strange connection to the child, and was the only one who could calm her on the full moon.

“Who’s ready to party!”an excited Danny yelled as he walked into the Hale house, he walked up to Jackson, slapping him around the shoulders, he was followed in by Ethan and Aiden. 

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