Magical Mishaps and Human Happenings

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The Hale pack, enter the halls of their new school, Beacon Hills High… The new year has begun and the nerves could be felt like ice on their breath as they shakily inhaled the fall air; their minds flashback to their first day of Year 6, a momentary blink on the time line of the eventful past year.

All of the werewolves having learnt control over their shifts in the moonlight, the worries of the monthly change was now limited to not howling during the full moon. Lyra had continued to grow lovelier day by day, and everyone had noticed. She had used this to her advantage, now having succeeded in befriending the entirety of Beacon Hills (well, all except Betty and her group, who she had no wish to ever befriend, due to the tension formed the previous year). Laura had developed much more control over her power, as it had grown in strength.

As the Hale pack walked into the school, they slowly separated from each other, moving on to speak to their friends, whom they had met over the last year. Laura, Abbey and James still stayed together; as the three of them could never be separated for longer than was necessary.

“Oh no, my pants have mud on them!” Abbey exclaimed! “Seriously dad needs to clean that van if Lyra’s going to make us wear fancy clothes!”

With a flash of Laura’s eyes, the mud flowed off of the jeans and onto the ground.

“Thanks Laura,” Abbey sighed with relief.

Abbey wasn’t normally a stickler for dirt and untidiness, but Lyra had picked out everything the teenagers wore for today, and everyone knew that Lyra could be more terrifying than a screaming Banshee when she saw grime on things.

“It’s an important day!” Lyra had told her unamused siblings as she showed them her clothing arrangements that morning, “You don’t want to make a fool of yourselves on the first day!” So with advice in hand they had all proceeded to begrudgingly put on her outfits of choice.

With the ringing bell Laura headed to her first class of the year; music. Lyra was in the same class as her, so the two sat at the back together. Laura’s body wound like a spring with tension as people quickly rushed to sit near Lyra. Although she was a lot more confident being around people, Laura still freaked out when she was over crowded. Lyra, feeling the tension spreading next to her, grabbed her sisters’ hand and gave it a quick squeeze, before letting go. It wasn’t much, but Laura understood completely. You'll be fine, just relax. Laura breathed deeply, reliving the feel of her sisters grasp, she clenched her fist, the cool metal of her ring tightening around her finger, she felt her pulse calm, glancing down at her necklace in time to see the pulsing blue fade to a silent stone.  The lesson was in general, a great class, until everyone was asked to pick an instrument to play, or to sing. Naturally Lyra chose to sing, she was constantly singing these days, and why shouldn’t she? She had the most beautiful voice that Laura had ever heard. Laura, however, had no experience with any instruments or singing. Why is this class mandatory again? She pondered, but it seemed that everyone in the class could at least pull off a couple of notes.

One by one, the class showed off what they could do, not all of them were fantastic, but they certainly weren’t awful. As Lyra sung “Part of your World” from The Little Mermaid (her favourite movie, thanks to her Aunt Lydia), the whole class was silent and gazed at her in awe of her talent. Laura thought she saw Lyra’s Lapis Lazuli necklace glimmer faintly for a brief moment, but discarded the thought. Just a trick of the light; She decided. When it finally came to Laura’s turn, she nervously stood up and walked to the front of the room, looking for something big to hide behind. The Piano, it was just keys, it couldn't be that hard. As Laura sat down and stared the keys without a clue what to do, she could feel everyone’s eyes on her. Laura was about to tell the teacher she couldn’t do it, but then another thought occurred to her. They can’t see my hands behind this thing! With a wave of her hand, the keys started moving on their own, playing a beautiful song that Laura had heard, but didn’t know the name of. As the song continued, Laura made sure to move her hands delicately in the general direction of the keys, so it wouldn’t look too peculiar. When it finished and the keys returned to their lifeless state, there was a brief moment of silence as she looked around at the class to see their reaction. All at once the room was filled with the sound of clapping, feet stomping, and cheering. Lyra looked at her sister and smiled, amused at the scene, she winked. Laura grinned back at her applauding sister, stood up and took a seat next to her, getting patted on the back as she made her way back to her table.

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