2 / cold

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winters were unusually cold in this area. life seemed to cease and the streets became empty and quiet. roads got icy, and the sky became an eternal grey. the sun set early leaving only a few hours of daylight. according to the news, this winter will be the coldest one in a while. as i sit on my sofa watching the weather channel, i get the bright idea to call Brian. it has been a few days and the exam is tomorrow. maybe he can help me study. i move closer to the landline phone and take out the now wrinkly piece of paper from my coat pocket. as i type in the number, i start getting nervous.. what if he doesn't answer? is it too early to call? no, no, the show is probably soon.. he's expecting me to call. the phone rings and on the third one he picks up, his voice the same soothing quality. i wonder if he already knows it's me.
"hey, Brian it's me, y/n from the library.. i was just uh wondering.. my exam is tomorrow and i think i'm gonna need help studying for it.. do you want to meet up at the library?" i ask twirling the long curly cord at the end in my finger.
"hi, y/n! it's good hearing from you.. i was getting worried you wouldn't call. the show is in 2 days, thankfully right after your exam and i'll tell you about the details later tonight.. what have you been up to?" he replies.
"me? oh nothing really, i've just been watching the weather report and other things, it gets really cold here you know" i say. he hums in response.
"i like the cold" he says.
"how?! i can't stand it" i reply. he laughs his sweet laugh.
"i don't know, it's just nice.. it's refreshing" he replies. i sigh.
"i hope you're warm then" i say. i can hear him smile on the end. "i'll uh see you tonight"
"yep. bye y/n. thanks for calling" he says.
"bye, Brian" i say and hang up the phone.


i enter the library, the hard metallic door clanging behind me as it closes, the warm air hitting and enveloping me. i look for Brian and see him sitting at a mahogany desk leaning back on a chair, reading a book on zodiacal dust clouds. the topic his big paper is on. he hears the door shut and looks up at me, his hazel eyes hitting mine. my head spins, he really knows how to make me swoon. i smile at him and take a seat next to him.
"good to see you didn't forget. i figured you did" he says. i laugh.
"how could i forget? we didn't really set a time so i guess i could've come earlier. sorry if i kept you waiting" i say. he looks down at the book, obviously skimming.
"it's no problem" he says.
"so... zodiacal dust clouds.. interesting topic" i say. he nods, eager to discuss his research.
"oh gosh it really is. i've been looking into a lot and i might be going to Italy soon to see some sights myself. i'm quite excited for it... unless the band gets in the way.. which is exciting too" he says, getting lost in thought. "oh yes, the band! i was going to tell you that you can come backstage after the concert! you can meet the band, i'm sure Roger, John, and Freddie would like you. i can also give you a free record.. if you'd like" he says playing with the corner of a page in the book. i smile, his eyes scanning the words, avoiding my gaze.
"of course! i'd love to! i'm honestly very excited about this concert. i bet you're a master player.. no pressure of course. and i'd love a free record so i can hear you play whenever i want" i say and nudge his shoulder. he laughs. he moves closer to you, much like the night before, heat radiating off his body. he has a plaid scarf on and a long grey coat that goes down to the middle of his thighs. he sees me staring and smiles.
"like what you see?" he asks. heat rushes to my face.
"i-uh.. yeah.. i was just admiring your outfit" i say. he laughs.
"sure" he says. he goes over my topic and explains it in a depth that even the professor probably couldn't. not only was he attractive, but insanely smart and gifted in science. he could grasp even the most difficult concepts. his brain seemed so marvelous. after a few hours of studying with him, i feel solid on the topic and for the exam tomorrow.
"i think i should go. get some sleep before the exam tomorrow. i'll call you" i say. he nods and gets up with me. i grab my bag and head out, Brian following not too far behind me. he catches up quickly due to his long legs. his arm brushes mine and i feel myself shiver. it was one of the warmest nights of the week so far but the wind chill was still significant. i reach my car and fumble with my keys. he stands a few feet away and sees me struggle.
"ugh these stupid keys!" i say, frustrated. the wind blowing through my hair. he walks briskly to me and grabs my hands, warming them instantly. i stop shaking and look up at him, his cheekbones prominent in the dim light. i panic, thinking he's going to kiss me. i look down and he grabs my chin in between two long calloused fingers. i look him dead in the eyes.
"i'll be watching you" he says with a wink and turns away on a heel. i stare at him in shock. he said he'd be watching me. oh shit. i think i'm head over heels for him. i manage to open my car door after a few minutes of trying. i see him drive out and head home. my cheeks and hands tingle from the cold and from the feeling of his hands on mine. i sigh deeply. what will this lead to?

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