3 / angel

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it's the day of the concert. i took my exam the day before, and felt totally comfortable with it, thanks to Brian. i listen to the news and cook some lunch on my old stovetop. i'm trying to pass the time until it's time to leave for the concert. Brian said he'd call me to give me the address. just as i think about it, i get a ring from the landline phone.
"hello?" you ask into the receiver.
"hi, y/n! it's me, Brian. i'm just reminding you that the concert is tonight and it's at the Imperial College. i'm excited to see you there!" he says in a happy tone. i smile.
"i'm really excited too!" i reply.
"awesome! we'll be out back and i'll have your record and you can meet the guys" Brian says. i laugh.
"i can't wait!"
"great! the concert is at 8 so i'll see you then, dear. bye!" he says and hangs up the phone. did he just call me dear? oh boy.


the sound of a bass drum that mimics a heart beat fills the room. a guitar wails and four figures emerge on the stage. a soft grey light surrounds them. Brian picks at his guitar, his finger movements quick and steady. his shoulders roll with the slides of his guitar. his lips slightly touch the mic as he sings backup, making me wish i was the mic. the drummer working hard at the song, his well built arms hitting the drums with much force. the bassist jumping and moving around the stage, clearly into it. the man at the piano, his long black hair swaying with every note he sang, moves around the stage with.. a broken mic stand? i shrug it off as a performance habit and enjoy the show. i spend the night staring at Brian, he looks up during a solo and his eyes scan the crowd as he sings. his voice is really good, if you listen close enough you can hear the softness in his voice in his singing, no matter how powerful he sings. he looks like an actual angel. i move to his song. his guitar wails through the amps making my ears hurt but giving my heart great pleasure. his eyes find mine and he winks at me, his hazel eyes shining in the light. my heart leaps. was he looking at me? sooner than i hoped, the show ends after them singing a few covers. Jailhouse Rock was my favorite. i go out back like Brian told me to and wait for him to get out. after 5 minutes of waiting, the lead singer, Brian, the bassist, and drummer all walk out smoking cigarettes and chatting. the drummer brags about a girl he met a few nights before, his long blonde hair swaying in the wind. his baby blue eyes shimmer and catch mine causing my breath to hitch. he was damn hot. Brian sees me and smiles a sweet smile, now wearing a leather jacket and high waisted flare jeans. he comes over and puts a hand on my shoulder.
"boys, i'd like you to meet my friend y/n! we go to the same school and she's much smarter than she seems. i promised her a free record and here it is" he says while rummaging through a bag getting the record. the corners are slightly bent but it looks to be in good condition. i beam up at him.
"it's beautiful! thanks, Brian!" i say. the boys smile at me.
"it's lovely meeting you, y/n! Brian seems to be very uh.. infatuated with you" the lead singer says while shaking my hand, causing my cheeks to burn. thankfully it's dark out so he can't see. "i really do adore your coat, darling. where did you get it?" he asks. i giggle.
"thanks! i got it at the shop across the street a few weeks ago actually" i say and point at the shop.
"my name is Freddie, i look forward to getting to know you" he says. the drummer jumps in front of Freddie and grabs my hand in a soft grip.
"the name's Roger Taylor but you can just call me Rog. i'm the drummer and if you didn't know.. you look stunning" he says with a smirk. goosebumps line my skin, he really knows how to get girls, huh. Brian punches him in the shoulder.
"ow! what the hell was the for!" Roger says wincing and rubbing his arm.
"just ignore him, y/n. he does that to every girl he sees" Brian reassures me. Roger huffs out a curse word and steps aside so the bassist can speak.
"hi. i'm John Deacon. it's good meeting you" he says with a sweet smile. his hands are nervously shoved in his pockets and he shivers in the cold. i smile at him.
"it's good meeting you too, John" i say.
"awh look at Deaks. let's get you warmed up, buddy" Roger says and leads him to the van. John smiles and walks off to the van with Roger. Freddie smiles and shrugs, leaving me with Brian. Brian puts a hand on my arm causing me to face him.
"i was watching you up there. you were absolutely incredible" i say. he blushes.
"thanks. it was really nothing. i'm really glad you could come" Brian replies. "oh by the way, it took me a while but i found you in the crowd. did you see my wink?" he asks. i giggle.
"of course i did. it left me a bit shocked but i really liked that part" i say and lightly hit his arm. he laughs.
"okay you two lovebirds, we're gonna get going. if you want a ride Brian, you better get in this stupid van right now!" Roger yells out the window. the use of the word "lovebirds" makes my heart twitch. was Brian really flirting with me?
"i'll be fine! you guys can go!" Brian yells back. Roger shrugs and the van pulls away. i shiver in the cold.
"you're cold? let's get going, i don't want you to freeze" he says with a warm smile. i breathe out a laugh.
"i'm okay. but yeah we should get going" i say. he chuckles and grabs my hand. i'm clutching my new record in my other hand. his gloved hand enveloping mine almost completely. we walk to my car and i open the door and he gets in the passenger seat. he places his guitar in the backseat. we sit there and wait for he heating system to start up. little clouds of breath come out of his mouth as he breathes.
"thank you for coming, again. it really means a lot. you mean a lot to me" he says and plays with his fingers. i look out the window and smile.
"you mean a lot to me too, Brian" i say. he reaches over and puts his hand on mine. my heart pounds. his eyes burn into mine with a million emotions. butterflies fly in my stomach making me feel queasy. his eyelashes flutter as he looks from my lips to my eyes. he reaches his hand up to my face. and pulls me closer to him. his warm breath fills my face, it smells like mint and tea. his forehead touches mine, his hair surrounding my peripheral vision. our lips touch emitting sparks in my brain. my heart pounds and he pushes into me, deepening the kiss. i kiss him back, our mouths moving in synch. he pulls back to breathe. i breathe heavily, still holding his face.
"you really are stunning" he says, his voice husky. i giggle.
"likewise." he sits back in the seat and sighs. i turn the key starting the engine. his hand rests on my thigh as i drive, his fingers tracing little circles. i find it difficult to keep my eyes on the road and look at him, marveling at his profile in the dim light. we reach my apartment. as i turn the key into my apartment he latches his lips onto mine, kissing me with such rhythm i forget that i'm still holding the record. he sets his guitar down next to the front door. i find a place to put my record down as he kisses down my jawline.
"let's not start something we can't finish" i say pushing him away from me.
"who says we can't finish?" he says putting his hands on his hips. i roll my eyes at him. he sighs in defeat.
"fine. we'll leave it to another night" he says. "sorry if i was moving too fast.." he says putting a hand on my shoulder.
"it's fine! it's just i'm not really ready yet. and i want to get to know you more" i say. he nods in understanding.
"i get it" he says and looks around my apartment. the clock on the wall reads 12:35 am. he sits on the couch and hugs his knees.
"you can spend the night here if you'd like" i say, turning the kettle on. he laughs.
"after what i just did? i'd be surprised if you even wanted to see me again" he says.
"aw, Brian. it's okay, really. you were just hot and bothered and i did kind of leave you hanging.. i really do like you. a lot" i say and put a hand on his knee. he smiles, his eyes becoming glassy with guilt.
"i just don't want to hurt you" he says. i shake my head.
"i know you won't" i reply. "hey how about i make us some tea! which one and how do you take it?"
"i'll have chamomile with 2 sugars please" he says. i make myself one as well and sit down on the couch with him.
"i'm really sorry about earlier.." Brian says.
"Bri, forget it. it's over it's fine" i say. he smiles.
he shuffles closer to me and i lean into his shoulder. he wraps an arm around me surrounding me with his warmth. i smile, kissing his cheek.
"i like you" i say. he laughs.
"obviously" i gasp and giggle.
"was it that obvious?" i ask.
"not until i saw you after the concert but you didn't avoid flirting" he replies. i smile.
"yeah. i was shocked you liked me back" i say.
"i liked you since you said you studied astronomy!" he says. i smile. no wonder he was so quick to invite me to his concert.
"you must be exhausted. we should go to bed" i say.
"oh right i forgot to ask.. do you want to sleep on the couch?" i ask him.
"well i mean i can.. if you want me to" he says. i smile.
"you really know how to get what you want, huh" i say. he shrugs.
"more or less" he says and walks with me to my bedroom. i take off my shirt and slip into a sweatshirt and comfortable pants. he tries not to stare but fails miserably. i blush as i catch him looking at me.
"stop doing that!" he says.
"doing what?"
"being so cute" he says smugly. i giggle. he slips underneath the covers just wearing a sweatshirt he brought and his boxers. his skinny frame wraps around mine and i smile.
"thanks for tonight" he murmurs through my hair. i smile and move closer to him, gathering his heat and scent.
"goodnight, Brian" i say.
"goodnight, dear" he replies and we lie there in each other's arms and doze off to sleep.

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