7 / friends will be friends

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it's a gloomy day. i got out of class at 2 and i went straight to the hospital. the weather outside was bleak and grey, Brian hates this weather but that's what it's usually like in England. i walk in the room holding a bag of sweets and Brian's eyes light up.
"you got that for me?" he asks.
"no, it's for the doctor.. i'm kidding, of course it's for you!" i laugh. he puts his hand over his heart.
"i nearly had a heart attack there, be careful" he says, acting over dramatic. i missed this Brian. i toss him a muffin which he devours in a span of 2 minutes. i stare at him as he gets crumbs all over the bed.
"Brian you're making a mess!" i exclaim like a angry mother. he giggles.
"sorry, ma'am" he replies sarcastically. i roll my eyes.
"oh Brian, dear you don't have to be so serious you know. let the dear help you" a posh voice sounds from the doorway. Freddie.
"FREDDIE! JOHN! ROG! oh my god! i'm so glad you're here!" he squeaks nearly falling out of bed. John giggles.
"now dear don't you fall over now. i'm sorry we gave you such a surprise!" Freddie says, laughing as Brian smiles up at him.
"strange seeing you in a hospital bed" Roger says quietly. i nod.
"it really is."
"how are you holding up, lovely? it must be tough taking care of this lot all the time" John says putting a hand on my shoulder. i shrug.
"it's not all too bad. he's everything to me so i can't complain much" i say. Freddie turns and looks at me, his vibrantly colored jacket shines in the bright light. Roger luckily wears sunglasses indoors so he isn't blinded by the sight.
"everything to you, huh?" Freddie says, glancing from me and Brian.
"if you two ever need a witness at your wedding, i'm in" Freddie says as he leaves the room. Brian's face flushed and i start laughing.
"where is he going?" John asks.
"probably to get the rings" Roger snickers. i hit Roger in the arm.
"ow! hey! what was that for!" he swears.
"for being a smart-ass" i reply. he rubs his arm.
"how's recording going?" i ask.
"we're barely getting anything done without you, Bri. we at least need a song. do you have one yet?" Brian looks at his guitar, guilt filling his expression.
"yeah.. i have a song.. a few actually. they're in my notebook" i hand John his notebook. he flips through towards the end and finds a page. he reads it for a minute, Roger standing over his shoulder.
"this is a lovely song, Brian" Roger says. Brian shrugs.
"it's nothing really" Brian says, trying to remain humble. i sigh.
"you should see this" Roger says and motions to me. i look at the page over John's shoulder.

so dear friends, your love has gone.
only tears to dwell upon,
i dare not say as the wind must blow.
so a love is lost, a love is won.
go to sleep and dream again.
soon your hopes will rise
and then from all this gloom life can start anew and there'll be no crying soon.

Roger looks at Brian who stares mindlessly out the window.
"we're giving this to Freddie" Roger says.
"what? no! he should sing it! it's his song!" John insists. i fear an argument is coming but Roger cools quickly.
"do you think you'd be able to record this song for the next album?" John asks. Brian thinks for a bit.
"i'm not sure if i can" he says. "i kind of gave up on playing."
"you did what now?" Freddie yells barging in.
"i gave up on playing guitar.. my voice was never good anyways.. plus i'd only be a burden with my illness and all" Brian explains.
"now don't be stupid, Brian. we need you. and not to mention you're one of the most talented guys we know, and your illness is the least of our problems if we don't have a guitarist. plus, your songs are bloody brilliant!" Roger says. Brian smiles at the compliments he receives.
"thank you, Roger for taking one for the team. finally" Freddie says with his arms crossed.
"and he's damn right, Brian. listen to the man! for once in his life he's making some sense" Freddie says looking at Roger. Roger shoots him a glare.
"well what do you think, Bri?" John asks. "are you back in?" there's silence for a minute as Brian thinks. i'm mentally screaming at him to say yes. i bet they're all doing the same.
"say yes, Brian. you'd be so much happier with them and with something to do. you'd be off my hands and i'm sure your recovery will go by even quicker if you're not moping around all day" i explain. Freddie nods.
"see? even she's making sense!" Freddie yells throwing his hands in the air. i chuckle.
"well? what is it Brian!" Roger says tapping his foot impatiently on the floor.
"would you stop that, Roger?! and yes! fine! i'll do it!" Brian caves in. John gives him a huge hug.
"finally! he's back! we have our guitarist back! thank you, Brian! thank you!" John says into his shoulder. Brian smiles and hugs him back. they all join in with John giving Brian a long group hug. Roger grabs my arm and drags me in. friends will be friends.

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