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"I can't do this".

My eyes opened by the sight of a flickering light trough out the window.

My head was aching terribly as if I had been drinking all night. But as far as I could remember I did not.

Even though my bedsheets felt warm as if silk had been wrapped around my body. I still had this weird feelining inside.

I blinked my eyes a few times, roaming around the room as I figured my bedsheets were broken white instead of creamy yellow.

So were the walls around me bigger and better decorated than I could remember.

And since when do we have more furniture? Did Nadia afford those?


A warning bell inside of me began to ring as I figured out she wasn't here. Either the fact that her bed wasn't placed beside mine.

This wasn't my bed.

Even worse.
This wasn't my room.

Where am I?!

Last night.. we went to the club right? Yes, I do remember that. Nadia, thèo, Thomas..

Oh and god no! Why? why did Thomas had to kiss me like that?
Gosh , first you got to ask the freaking person or at least give a few hints that you're into someone.

Great, second kiss in my life. Still a big failure.

I tried to focus on what else had been going on.

As far as I could remember , I was wearing this really cute outfit last night.

Oh my lord.

I looked underneath the bedsheets as fast as I could.

You know that feeling when you've lost your keys or your phone? That didn't even come close to what I was feeling right now.

A sigh escaped my mouth as I figured I was still wearing the exact same outfit.


"Ah you're awake"


Completely freaked out, I grabbed the bedsheets and covered my entire body underneath it. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh , oh my gosh. What the heck is going on?

For your own sake Vera! What the hell did I do last night to get here?

Nine one one..

Nine one one! I HAVE TO CALL NINE ONE ONE! ''Fuck'' I hissed underneath my breath. My phone, where is it?!

I really felt like crying out of desperation at this moment.

''Vera, you're okay under there?''

I held my breathe as I heard the same , male voice coming my way. At this moment I truelly wished my grandmother would storm into this room and beat my small ass.

Exactly at this moment I could feel something buzzing underneath my back.

My phone!

Bless me. Gosh bless me.

Without thinking twice I grabbed it from underneath my back and tapped the emergency number on my phone .

Pick up, pick up, pick up.. ''Hello, nine one one. What is your emergency?''

before I could realize it properly, my sheet was subtracted from me .

A loud scream jumped out of my body, I was smoldering, drowning in panic .Hoping for a way out but too blind to even see what was happening.

''Vera what the actual f*ck are you doing''

Before I could even answer the questions my brain was trying to work trough, the person standing in front of me pulled my phone out of my hands

There I realised it wasn't a stranger who took me into his room.


''Hello, your speaking with Brent Antionio Juan Fernando Adson. My apologies for bothering you, my sister got hangover and thought she was kidnapped for a moment''.

Oh? Hangover?

''Yes she's fine. Thanks . Yes I will. Okay, have a good day'''.

For a moment I truelly didn't know what to do. Even better, what I should be thinking.

''So, how are you?'' He asked after a moment of awkward staring at each other.

How am I? How I am feeling right now?!

''I don't know! You tell me?!'' I blurted frustrated. I couldn't tight a knot on what was going on. He just stared at me in amazement. It made me so freaking annoyed. Can't he just say something? Anything at all?

''Oh just stop freaking staring at me like you don't know what is going on'' I exclaimed.

You could just really get the blood underneath my nails anytime..

''How do you mean not knowing what is going on? '' He scowled his head. ''I'm not the one who's completely freaking out, calling nine one one and acting like a little brat''

Enraged, furiously I glared at him. My temper, it has never been this hard to keep my calm.

''Well , brent.'' you pain in the ass. ''Tell me how you would feel if you wake up in someone else's room. When you can't remember a bloody f*cking thing of the night before except the fact you got kissed against your will and now you find yourself in the room of the person you can't stand at all?!"

The shock in his eyes made me nervous for his reply in some kind of way. ''You can't stand me?''

Oh crap.

Great Vera, now you messed up for sure.


''Well you could just thank me for saving your ass from idiots probably trying to drug you and do worse but okay. You do you''


''I uh''


''Could you just leave now?'

Idiots trying to drug me?

''What do you mean by saying people trying to drug me?''

He was raising me a brow as those words left my mouth. Did I say something stupid?

''Brent?'' Okay. Now I'm really nervous.

''So..When you said that you can't remember what happend last night you meant it?''

You got to be kidding me.

''Yes'' I exclaimed, pretty much terrified actually.

I could hear him curse underneath his breath as he sat down on the bed beside me. He scratched his jaw and for a moment, it semt like he was drowning into his thoughts.

I observated him. Trying to figure out what else could be going on behind that pretty face.

Another sigh escaped him, but this time he was looking my way.

''I'm so sorry. I didn't know you already was drugged. Otherwise I wouldn't have act the way I did this morning. We should probably head to the nearest hospital to check if you don't got any toxins left inside of your system. '''

I gave him a uncomprehending look. What did he mean by saying this?

''Well..Uh..Okay. I'm going to explain to you what I've seen and what I've done. But you have to promise me to keep your calm because I don't want my father nocking on my door and I supose you don't want that to happen either''.

I nodded without doubting.


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