Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Are You For Real?" Gauri yells at him shocked standing outside the railway station .

Omkara looks scandalous for a minute seeing her yelling at him "Gauri please quite " He whispers seeing passerby's stopping to pass a look at them .

"Quite My Foot " Gauri snaps back this time in a softer tone making Omkara heave a sigh of relief .

Running two fingers in his forehead he says "It just slipped my mind because of –"

Gauri cuts him tying her hands around her chest fumes as She says angrily "Work – Try giving me any other F*cking Reason instead of Work " , She knows swearing is bad but right now she is not in her right mind . Her Husband – The Great Businessman Just forget to book tickets for the journey and all seats have been booked .

Seeing his Shy innocent Wife Swearing Omkara looks at her horrified but He knows he was at fault – He had cancelled their flight tickets but instead had forgotten to book train tickets .

"Let's Get back home" Gauri tells throwing her hands up in frustration , She wanted to pull her hairs no not hers but Her Husband's that man is responsible for them to be standing out at this time in the night outside the railway station .

"No –We should Leave – My Work "

"Give me any other F*" Before Gauri could complete Omkara cups her mouth with his palm and places the other palm on the back of her head as He looks around to check whether someone heard her ,

Gauri widens her eyes shocked feeling his palm on her lips – irritated She completes the sentence muffled annoyed with his behavior and pushes his palm back .

Omkara slowly leaves her lips and takes his hand from her head back feeling a tingling sensation in him as Her Dark khol eyes sends a glare towards his direction .

"Do You want me to sit here all day?" She asks annoyed

Omkara scratches the back of his neck and tells hesitantly "We could Fly but –"

Before Omkara could complete Gauri glares at him "You Fly – I am Leaving "

"How Can I Leave without My wife?" Soon as the words spill Omkara bites his tongue .Did I just call her My Wife? – Oh God She is glaring again !

"Ohh – So Mr.Omkara Can remember he does have a Wife ?" She mocks at him remembering his doings since two days . Gauri regretted soon as the words left seeing his eyes turning remorseful but her stupid mouth could not keep anything to itself

"Omkara –I "

Om gives a small smile dismissing her waving his hand saying it's okay but inside he was upset . He knew he had been ignorant towards her since they married which was just two days ago but he never expected her to mock him – Omkara was well aware it was just due to a slip of tongue and She never wanted to say it loud but wasn't it true?

The atmosphere turned awkward as they turned away looking everything but at each other . Feeling the silence suffocating Gauri decides to break the ice .

"So You Wanna Leave today somehow ? and except Flying or catching the train there isn't any option right?"

Omkara who was floating in his own thoughts lost , hearing her voice and Finding that she was asking him something –nods embarrassed to ask her again what she had just uttered .

"Wanna Join Mr.Omkara I am travelling in Mussorie express " Gauri says winking not giving him a moment to react taking her suitcase calmly she walks inside to the station leaving him alone . Gauri bites her lower lip grinning to herself seeing him dazed .

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