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It's been two days since that whole or deal and I honestly was over it.

Yeah at first I was so sad but it's only so much you can do. I've called and texted a million times and I've gotten nothing in return, in fact I'm sure I'm blocked.

He still had things over here, I don't know if he cared about them or not but I was over it.
Rather he needed a break or not he doesn't need to sit here and ignore me or just runaway as If we weren't engaged.

Getting out the bed I decided to go see my mom for advice so I quickly handled my hygiene and got dressed.

Arriving at my moms house I opened the door and she was on the couch watching love and hip hop.


"Hi." I mumbled sitting on the couch.

"I know what your here for and all im going
To say is give it time."

"Time? How much time?"

"How many time he needs. I agree he's wrong for running away from the problem instead of talking to you about it but you weren't at work, you were with August and not only that it was his birthday. You would be mad too."

"Okay but still."

"Aht." She held her finger out. "Accept that your wrong and give him time and if he never comes back to you then it wasn't meant to be."

"Okay. I have to tell you something."


"August kissed me that same day."

She laughed bitterly. "Did you tell Caleb?"

"I haven't got the chance to. It's no point if he's gone?"

"If he comes back you need to tell him. If you don't you guys will never be healthy because your holding that in and that guilt is gonna tear your ass up."


I tried grabbing her bowl of taco salad but she snatched it away.

"Girl you got two hands and two feet, make your own and hurry up before Dion comes over. You know that boy can eat."

"He use to eat everything." I shook my head laughing.

"Left overs and whole."


Laying in bed I got a call from Caleb's mother. We didn't have a bad relationship but we didn't have a good one either.

If we seen eachother we spoke and that was it.
So I already knew what she was calling for.




"You hurt my son and you know that."

"Marla I'm honestly not in the mood. If your son is mad because I work then that just shows the way he was raised."

"Raised? Don't even try to sit here and do that. Your foul and you know it."

"Where is he at anyway?" I ignored her last statement, trying not argue with her.

"Somewhere minding his business. Where are
You? Work?"

"What was the point of calling me? Honestly."

"Do you love my son?"

"You know I do."

"No. I can't really tell."

"It doesn't matter if you can or not, my love for him is for him to understand not to be explained to anyone else."

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