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"Could I have the parents over here for a second?" A coast guard officer asked from across the office. He stood in the doorway of his office. Five chairs sat in the room, one behind his desk and the other four in front.

There would be no more avoiding Jim.

I had sat stiff in the waiting room of the coast guard base for over 24 hours. I sat alone on one side of the waiting room, and my ex-husband sat on the other side, Rory's parents sitting in between us several. Seats away from me.

This was the first time I had seen Jim since I found out about his affair four years ago. I had been careful to avoid him to prevent my heart from breaking all over again. It would've been to much to bare.

Now, our Beck was the only thing keeping me from severing all contact with him.

I still felt sour towards Mikayla and Matt. Mikayla's sister has always been a bit too touchy feely with my ex, but Jim had always looked so uncomfortable. Now I knew it was because he didn't want me finding out about their affair.

As for Mikayla, how could she not have known of her sister's motives? That horrible being has always managed to try and ruin something in my life, probably to get to Jim.

Mikayla and Matt were the first to stand. I watched in horror as they sat in the two chairs furthest to the left, forcing Jim and I to sit next to each other. Mikayla sent me a look. She had done that on purpose. That only angered me more.

With my fists clenched, I got up next, walking into the office and sitting in the chair furthest to the right. Jim came and sat to my left. I tried my hardest to contain myself from showing my anger.

"So, the rescue is set to take place two days from now. Planes should head out there at approximately 6 AM, and we have boats ready in case we need to send them out. I already got most of their information, but is there any medical issues that could possible have been triggered on the island? Are either of them on medication? Or anything that they are dependent upon?"

We shook our heads no.

"Okay. Matt, if you don't mind could you fill out this form? I had given it to Beck's parents while you two were at home showering this morning." Matt nodded, taking the clipboard from the officer. "You all can go. You are welcome to stay here until the rescue. You have my number if you need me."

I stormed out of the room, my arms wrapped protectively around myself. Jim was behind me, followed by Mikayla.

Mikayla grabbed my arm before I could leave the building. "What do you want?" I spat.

She frowned. "To talk. We have some things to discuss." Jim appeared next to her, looking just as exhausted as I felt. He didn't look the same as he did when we were married.

"I'm not staying for this. I'm hungry and I need to shower." I went to turn on my heel, but Mikayla stopped me once again.

"You're staying for this. If I have to tie you to a chair I will. Jim has some things he wants to tell you. I do too."

"Let go of my arm or I swear I will—"

"I didn't cheat on you, Gen." Jim croaked. Emotions suddenly flooded into his face.

I looked away and shut my eyes. "I don't have time for your lies. Let me go, please."

Jim dug in his pocket pulling out a familiar envelope. I yanked my arm out of Mikayla's hand. "No! I don't want to see those fucking pictures!"

Still, Jim pulled one out, turning to me. It was a picture of Jim and Mikayla's sister having sex.

"That is not me, Gen."

"How am I supposed to believe that?"

He pointed to his bare back. Right to a barely visible black splotch. "Do I have a tattoo on my back?"

My face paled.

"No, I don't." His voice cracked. "That's my brother."

Jim's estranged brother. He had been cut off from his family since Jim graduated college 20 years ago.

My hand flew up to cover my mouth as a sob tore through me. I snatched the picture out of his hand and looked at it closer. A tear dropped on the paper when I realized it was true.

That wasn't him.

When Mikayla's sister had first shown me the pictures, I hadn't looked close before I was breaking down, slapping her and storming out of the house. Had I just looked at it a couple seconds more, I would've realized that the man in that picture most definitely wasn't my husband. I could've saved myself and Jim from a whole ton of heartbreak.

With tears streaming down my cheeks, I looked up at Jim. "I-I'm so sorry." I sobbed. "I ruined everything. Oh god, Jim, I'm so sorry."

I broke down then, falling to my knees. I hugged myself as I sobbed, and seconds after I collapsed, Jim was crouching next to me, engulfing me in his arms. He held me tight, as if he'd lose me again.

"It's ok, baby. You didn't know. It's not your fault. It's that bitch Courtney's fault."

A bitter taste filled my mouth. "I'm going to hit her so hard the next time I see her." I growled.

Mikayla stepped in then. "She's...She's in jail."

Jim and I's eyes snapped to her. "For what?"

"Drugs. And dealing. It should be a slew of other things too but there was little to no evidence."

Jim and I shared a look. Almost at the same time, we broke into watery grins. I held his face in my hands, looking at him deeply, taking in every new detail on his face that I had missed in the past four years.

"I missed you so much, Gen." He said softly.

I let out a small laugh. "Not as much as I missed you."

I rested my forehead on his. "God, I wish Beck was here."

"Diddo, darling."

Mikayla went to leave to give us some privacy, but I hurriedly grabbed her wrist before she could get too far. When she turned around, I stood up and hugged her tight.

"I'm sorry I let this come between us." I mumbled. "None of this was your fault. I shouldn't have cut you off."

She laughed into my shoulder, hugging me back. "To be honest, if you were the one with the crazy sister and she pulled some shit like this, I probably would've done the same thing."

I chuckled as we pulled away, wiping the tears from our faces. "I guess we're both a little crazy, eh?"

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