Tom Hiddleston

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First encounter

You and Tom met randomly on the street while he was walking his dog Bobby. Tom was reading a message and didn't notice the leash slipping through his fingers, resulting in Bobby jogging towards you. You were bent down, tying your shoelaces and suddenly felt a presence near you.

"Oh! Look who we got here!" you excitedly spoke while petting Bobby, he quickly had a smile on his face while his tail wiggled in excitement. He loved your gentle touch and couldn't stop wiggling while trying to jump in your arms. It had taken Tom a minute to realize that his dog had escaped and once he did, he panicked instantly while frantically looking around.

The panic immediately vanished when he saw you and Bobby just across the street. The actor quickly crossed it and jogged towards you while a relieved smile rested on his face. "Excuse me, Ma'am" he politely caught your attention. You stood up straight and gasped slightly upon realizing that the Tom Hiddleston was standing in front of you.

Bobby was wiggling its way in between your legs as he wanted to continue to play with you, not caring that he had almost caused Tom a heart attack. "Hi! He just ran over to me and wanted to play" you informed him with a smile on your face. You were surprisingly calm and didn't feel the need to fan girl or freak out, not knowing that it made Tom immediately feel comfortable in your presence.

"Well I'm glad he did because I was distracted for a minute" he confessed and scratched the back of his neck, his eyes drinking in your beauty. The actor had met and seen many pretty women but you were a rare beauty he had never laid eyes upon. Your smile made his heart melt in his chest and his heart screamed at him to take this opportunity into getting to know you better.

"Uh" Tom stuttered to which you let out a chuckle as he looked so cute trying to form a proper sentence. "Do you uh-" he began but then cleared his throat, he was in complete awe of you and very surprised because normally, he always knew how to talk to the ladies. "May I buy you a coffee?" his eyes gazed deeply into yours while his heart pounded in his chest, the fear of rejection caused him a lot of anxiety but the second you gave him a wide grin, it vanished as quickly as it had come.

"I'd love to!" you answered before focusing on Bobby who still was playing with your legs. Tom quickly bent down and took the leash in his hands, making sure that he had a decent grip on it before the two of you began to walk towards the next café that was just a down the street.

First thought

Wow. That was all that Tom was able to think the second his eyes first landed on you. After that, he could barely think straight because he was overwhelmed by your beauty and positive vibes. The poor man almost spoke in gibberish while he still was trying to wrap his mind around the fact that he had never met someone as beautiful and special as you.

This is not happening...was your first thought you had upon meeting the actor. You had been a fan of his work and always admired him. To actually meet him in person was something you had never expected to happen to you. He was even more handsome in person and you had thought that you would lose your mind and snap, break out in tears and stutter like a maniac but oddly enough, your demeanor didn't really change as something about him immediately made you feel safe and comfortable.

First date

After you and Tom had gotten a coffee at a random café, it didn't take the two of you long to figure out that there was a lot of chemistry and attraction in between you two. After an hour of talking and laughing with each other, Tom asked you out on a date to which you immediately agreed.

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