Chapter 6

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                   "What do you wanna watch?" Yeeun asked while making popcorn. "May I remind you, we don't watch shows, if we do we find out about emotions." He said scrolling through Netflix. "Damn, so how do you know about emotions anyways?" She asked while putting the popcorn in a bowl. "Right before my grandma died she said, don't miss out on emotions, long story short I found a really old book in the library, it had emotion as the title" he said still scrolling. "I'm guessing all of the books in the library are just non fiction" Yeeun said while walking towards him. He nodded.

"Oh, I've been meaning to watch this show" Yeeun said while grabbing the remote. "It's called The One" she said.

5 episodes later
"Yo, what the hell is he doing " Jungkook said as he watched the guy on tv walk away. Yeeun paused the show. "Weren't you paying attention?" She asked slightly annoyed. "Yeah but why did he have to leave, he's being so stupid" Jungkook said in disbelief.

"Let me explain, the brown haired girl is Natalia, the guy with the mask is Tony, and that guy with blond hair is Mike. So Natalia was eating at that cafe, and Tony was like 'lemme get yo number' but Natalia was like 'eww no' so she left, then she bumped into Mike, he was a really cool guy. Now it's the next day, she bumps into Tony and he apologizes cause he was drunk, they talk, and now they are cool with each other, they hang out, and boom cliffhanger cause Natalia's mom is in the hospital, fast forward to next episode, she's hanging out with Tony after visiting her mom and Mike pops up, he's like 'Hey Natalia' and she wants him gone cause she's lowkey falling in love with Tony, Mike somehow gets Natalia's phone number, leading to him texting her later in the day..... are you still following?" She asked, he nodded.

"So Tony takes her phone and answers, thinking she has another guy, that's where we are now, that's why he left" she said before stopping. "I got it, but he's being a dumbass, he should have asked her about it instead of leaving" Jungkook said. "you're a dumbass now watch the damn show" Yeeun said feeling pissed at the fact that she had to explain for nothing.

2 episodes later, they reached the end of season one. "Are you fucking kidding me" Jungkook said crossing his arms. "Why the fuck did she go with Mike, she left Tony standing there alone, like bitch bring your ass back over here and collect your mans" he finished. "Jungkook, chill, there's gonna be a season two" Yeeun said getting up and heading to the kitchen. "I know, but the show was so good, and now they leave us with a shitty ending?" He said with a smug face.

"I mean yeah the ending was shitty, but they did that so we would wait for season too" she said emptying out the bowl of popcorn. "That's just an asshole move" he said glancing at her. "You're not wrong" she said laughing. "Wait, isn't this your first time being mad?" Yeeun asked staring at him. "I guess, but I hate this emotion, it doesn't feel good to be mad" he said staring back at her.

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