Coma Pt. 10|Shizuo Heiwajima x OC

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Coma Pt. 10|Shizuo Heiwajima x OC

Part 10 of ???

Plot: Saya flies to Ikebukuro and reunites with Shizuo.


July 10th, Saya flies to Ikebukuro

Narrator POV

Saya’s plane landed in Ikebukuro. Everyone got up from their seats and waited to step in line to get their luggages and backpacks.

Saya gathered her stuff and stepped in line. She got her luggage from the overhead as quickly as possible and slowly made it through line behind tons of other anxious and tired people, waiting to get off.

Saya eventually exited the plane and went to the section of the airport to pick up her other luggages and bags. She eventually got them and headed towards her exit of the airport, making her way through the crowds of travellers, families, flight attendants, etc.

Saya eventually exited the airport and hailed a taxi.

The taxi stopped and pulled up to where she was. The taxi driver opened the trunk of the car and helped her put her luggages and bags in.

“Thank you.” Saya thanked the driver.

“You’re welcome, miss.” The driver said.

Saya smiled. They both went to the front of the cab and opened the doors.

Saya sat in the passenger seat and the driver sat in the driver’s seat.

They closed the doors and buckled up.

“Where you heading to?” The driver asked.

“Scarlet Estate.” Saya said.

(Idk. I’m too lazy to search up hotels that are in Japan in the Ikebukuro area so I made my own up XD. Thank goodness for random generators. Lol.)

“Alright.” The driver said. He imputed the address for the hotel and began driving there.

“So what’re you here in Ikebukuro for?” The driver asked.

“I’m here to visit some old friends. And a special someone.” Saya explained.

“Ahh. A lover?” The driver asked.

“In a way, yes.” Saya said and nodded.

The driver nodded.

“So are you a driver full time?” Saya asked.

“Nah. I only fill in for guys that called off.” The driver said.

“Ah.” Saya nodded.

“Yeah. So what do you do?” The driver asked.

“As a job? Well. I do music.” Saya said.

“Anything specific?” The driver asked.

“I mainly help with the finalized product to make sure everything’s fine. I clean things up and I finalize it for publication. Very rarely, though I help make instrumentals for songs.” Saya said.

“Oh, cool. How do you like it?” The driver asked

“It’s a pretty cool job. Though, I don’t contact the artists directly, I mainly contact their record labels.” Saya explained.

“Neat.” The driver said.

“So a lot of times, I get to sneak peak at unreleased songs before the public gets to hear it. But I still need to buy songs, though. I can’t just keep it and use that.” Saya said.

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