Looking Out For You|Persephone x Reader|Pt. 5

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Looking Out For You|Persephone x Reader|Pt. 5

Plot: You finally get to spill the beans out of Apollo, and you give him a bit of a warning to not mess with Persephone ever again. 


Narrator POV

You were going to try to get Apollo to confess to his wrongdoings. You weren't going to have him arrested per se. Even though he deserved it. The only thing holding you back from doing that was Artemis. You knew she was protective of her brother. 

So, having him arrested would be a bit of a challenge. And it would mean going through her first. You decided you were going to let him off on a warning for now. If he did anything to Persephone a second time, then maybe you'd tell Hades and Artemis. If he did it a third time, you'd have him arrested. 

But for now, you were going to keep on pressing him to get answers. Even if it means continually nagging him about it, everyone had their breaking point. Even Gods did. You'll crack through Apollo's little 'I'm-so-tough' shell eventually. 

It'll just take some time. But you hoped it wouldn't take too much time because you had to get back home eventually. You could always tell Persephone you would be late arriving home, but you didn't want to do that to her, especially while she's going through a lot right now. That poor girl.

You tried to think of a way to make Apollo crack. He'll confess to his mistakes; eventually, you just know it, but you didn't know how to. You had to play your cards correctly, or else your plan will fail. People like Apollo take a while to reach their breaking point. You'll figure it out eventually. 

You had no idea that Apollo was observing you right now. He got the idea that you were playing your cards carefully. He planned to get you to leave as soon as possible but not with the right answer. He just went along with what you were doing for now. But the moment you asked him anything regarding him and Persephone was when he was going to attack. 

You weren't going to get away that easily in his mind. The moment he spills the truth and confesses is the moment it could be exposed throughout Olympus and eventually make its way to the Underworld. That's what he didn't want. That's the last thing he wanted. He was going to make sure that wasn't going to happen, no matter how much it takes. 

He was a fighter. He never surrendered in these types of situations. It would make him look cowardly if he did. He'll just have to play it cool for now until this whole thing ends. 

"You think your attempts will work on me, do you, (Name)? Well. You can try it. But I guarantee it won't work on me." Apollo said. 

"And you think that whole tough-guy image will work on me? Please. I know your game. I've met many people like you before both in the human world and here. Don't think I haven't seen this trick before." You responded. 

"If you're so desperate for answers, then why don't you just ask those memory gods? Or better yet, ask Persephone. I bet she'll tell you everything. Unless she already has, and that's the reason you're here, then I'm still not going to spill." Apollo said. 

"The fact is. She did tell me some things. She only told me what happened and what you did to her and now she's afraid of you! Why can't you see that? You've scarred the poor girl for life!" You argued.

“So what? Are you saying you’re jealous of Persephone? Or is this another test to try to get me to confess? Because it’s not working.” Apollo said. 

“Ew, no! Why would I ever be jealous of such a horrible event? Are you even listening to what I’ve been saying? Because it appears not.” You said. 

“Listen. If you’re just here to argue and waste my time, I’ll just sit myself out. We could play this game all day. But unfortunately, I don’t have all day.” Apollo said. 

‘He’s a lot more stubborn than Hades, that’s for sure.’ You thought. You had to think of something that’ll try to get him to confess. You’ve tried just about everything you could think of. Think, (Name), think. 

Guess you’ll just have to play it the hard way, then. The longer it takes for him to confess, and the longer he refuses, the longer you’ll stay if that’s what he wants to play. Two could play at this game, too, Apollo. You’re not that smart. You’re not clever, either. 

“Fine, then. Here’s something to waste your time even more. The longer you take, the longer I stay. You don’t want me to resort to my last option; trust me. It won’t be pretty.” You said. 

Apollo grinned. “Fine by me. Waste my time if you want to, I don’t care. If your last resort is to talk to my sister, then so be it.” He said. 

*Timeskip Just Because I Don’t want to Be Repetitive* 

It took a long time, but you eventually got what you wanted out of Apollo. He gave an honest answer. You didn’t have to resort to telling his sister, who was right. You couldn’t have imagined how Artemis would’ve felt if she found out about this. You felt relieved. 

You checked the time. It was almost dinner time now. You decided to head home from Apollo and Artemis’s place and called it a day. Persephone was going to come home late today, which was good. You needed some quiet time to yourself after getting answers out of that bastard. 

Once you got home, you sighed in relief and decided to make dinner so that way Persephone could eat if she wanted to stay over one more night. Persephone texted you to let you know she was staying one more night. You did tell her everything that happened while she was in school between you, Hades and Apollo. She wasn’t mad at you, surprisingly, for medelling in her life. You were relieved at the fact that she was rather understanding of the situation. All you wanted to do was help a friend out, that’s all. 

“Well. I’m just looking out for you. That’s all that is.” You said, smiling a bit. Persephone smiled as well. 

“I’m glad,” Persephone replied. 

After dinner, you two called it a night and went to bed. 

All went right with the world (sort of) after that. 

… The end …

Note: Hey, guys! I hope you all enjoyed this! Sorry for not updating in a while. I got busy with life, and now, I have school again on my plate. Thanks for reading!


1,145 words 

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