A Child|Father!Nagi Kengamine x Mother!Reader (Deadman Wonderland)

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A Child|Father!Nagi Kengamine x Mother!Reader (Deadman Wonderland)

Plot: It's been a few years since you, Nagi, Scar Chain and Ganta had been released. During your sentences at Deadman Wonderland, you two had been dating. And during the time you were freed, you two got your lives back together in working order, got a house, cars, even had a kid.

Warning: Slight spoilers from Deadman Wonderland if you haven’t seen it yet.


Your POV

I could've never been happier with another man none other than Nagi Kengamine, leader of a resistance within Deadman Wonderland he called Scar Chain. During the time we spent there, the goal was to escape Deadman Wonderland so we could return to the lives we once had. It worked with some negotiating. It was long and difficult to do, of course, knowing how cruel the place could be at times. But we managed a deal with the head of the company, Tamaki. Long story short, we went through with the deal we made with him and we were able to be freed from Deadman Wonderland.

Where I currently stand with him relationship wise? We're now married and have a kid. Of course, he still does keep his deceased wife and child in mind. We often visit their graves so that way Nagi could make up the time he lost with them. I didn't mind, however since I knew he missed them a lot. I even joined in on the conversation just so it would feel more lively. Our child would join in as well. You know how children are.

Speaking of our child, we had her shortly after we got married. We had agreed back at Deadman Wonderland to get married and have children once we had our lives back in working order. Her name is Gomi Fuku Kengamine. We named her middle name after his deceased wife because we thought it would be proper to do so out of respect for her (Fuku is my given name for his wife. His wife’s cannon name was never revealed.).

Even though Gomi and I have never met his wife, he's shown us pictures of her and has told stories. Gomi would often be the one to ask many questions about her. I already knew a lot about her due to what Nagi had told me during our time at Deadman Wonderland.

Today was our wedding anniversary. We had asked Karako to watch over Gomi while we went out to eat.

“Thanks for helping out.” I said to Karako.

“It’s no problem. Anything for my favorite people.” Karako said and smiled.

I smiled as well.

“Oh, by the way. If she at some point activates her Branch of Sin, start teaching her techniques and explaining to her about it. It hasn’t happened yet but just in case. And if it does come to surface, let us know.” I told Karako.

Karako nodded. “Got it and understood. We don’t want her ending up murdering someone on accident and not even knowing about her power in the first place and end up at.. That place.” She said, not wanting to mention Deadman Wonderland because of the memories it brought back.

I nodded. “Yeah, that would be unfortunate..” I said.

“Plus, I’m sure Nagi wouldn’t want to lose another child to that place after what happened the first time with Fuku.” Karako said.

Luckily, Nagi didn’t hear because he with Gomi at the moment.

I nodded. “Yeah.. I’m sure he wouldn’t. He’d be really devastated if it did happen again. Hell, I’m sure he would go on a rampage and try to get her back.” I said.

Karako nodded. “What do you think she can do with her Branch of Sin? It would most likely be a combination of yours and Nagi’s, right?” She said.

I nodded. “Yeah. His is Owl’s Eyeball and mine is (Branch of Sin Name).” I said.

“Oh, yeah. A combination of that, no one would win against her.” Karako said.

“Yeah. But we would still want her to learn how to properly use it, though so she wouldn’t end up like how Nagi, me, and the rest of Scar Chain were.” I said.

Karako nodded. “Yeah.” She said.

“Anyways. We should get heading out to avoid traffic.” I said, looking at the time on my phone.

“Alright.” Karako said.

“You ready to go, Nagi?” I asked, looking over at Nagi.

Nagi looked up at me. “Yeah. I am.” He said and nodded.

I went over to him.

“Thanks once again, Karako. Be good, Gomi.” I said. I quickly gave Karako a hug and placed a kiss on Gomi’s forehead.

“Bye, mama.” Gomi said, giving me a quick hug. I hugged her back. “Bye, baby. We should be back soon.” I said.

“Okay.” Gomi said and nodded.

Nagi gave her a quick kiss on the forehead as well as a huh and Karako a goodbye wave.

Karako smiled and waved back.

“Bye dada.” Gomi said.

“Bye, baby.” Nagi said, looking down at her with a smile.

Gomi smiled back as well which made me smile.

We started heading out.

“See you guys!” Karako said.

“Yeah, you too!” I responded.

Nagi and I headed out to our car.

We buckled up and headed out to the restaurant.

“It's still amazing to me how we managed to get this far during the course of our release from Deadman Wonderland.” I said.

Nagi nodded. “Yeah, it is. At least it's a good change.” He said.

I nodded. “I wonder how the others are doing.” I said.

“I don't know. Have you talked to them recently?” Nagi asked.

“Sometimes but not all the time.” I said.

“Maybe we should invite them over for Gomi's next birthday.” Nagi suggested.

I nodded. “Yeah. Sounds like a good idea.” I said.

Nagi smiled.

We eventually arrived at the restaurant. We got our tables, ordered our meals, chatted some, got our meals, ate them, payed the bill and eventually left to go pick up Gomi. We got her and said our goodbyes to Karako. We headed home and put Gomi to bed. Nagi and I went to bed as well.

“Night, Nagi.” I said before falling asleep.

“Night, (Name).” Nagi said. He fell asleep as well.

We were proud to be parents of such a wonderful little girl. We wouldn't trade this life for anything else.

The end…

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this! If you have any requests, comment them or PM me!


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