1 ~ Last Day

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"And class, although it hurts me to say this...I must say...it is time to say goodbye." Mr. Miller said to the Class of 2014.

Some cheered. Some cried. Some pretended to cry. Some danced around like they had no sense.

Me? I kept quiet. I kept to myself, like I always do in times of celebration.

"C'mon Liz. Aren't you happy that high school is finally over?" Alana asked.

I sighed. "I am. It's just...I don't know. I feel like something is wrong with me today." Hopefully that kept her from asking anymore questions. Alana is a great friend to talk to and hang out but today I just needed some alone time. I needed to think.

"Oh," she said. Her eyes starting to twinkle and her smile slowly fading. "Well hopefully you'll get out of the slumps. Talk to you after school. Ok?"

I nodded my head, and watched her skip away to the next group of people she'll be talking to next. I don't know how she did it. Talking to everyone without stumbling over her words, or her ears getting hot. All she had to do was smile and everyone immediately liked her.

I put my head down trying to block out the talking in the classroom, and the yelling going on in the hallway. I wasn't lying when I said that something was wrong with me today. I just felt it. I touched my pendant that had my mom's picture on it. I did that when I felt nervous. But why feel nervous? I wasn't talking to anyone. Nor was I performing.

I tried to block out those thoughts along with the hundred others circling around in my head. I closed my eyes, and before I knew it I was asleep.

*Pretty short chapter, but they're bound to get longer. I wrote this story as requested on my profile. Keep on reading!! Vote and Comment!! Peace and Love*

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