Chapter 3 The Alpha Cousin

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Phraisong's POV

It's been a few months since I started my senior year in high school.

My cousin, Ram has been going to the same academy and we are on the same class. My family owns this school.

Since Ram's been back from Washington two years ago, he's changed drastically.

He and I used to be very close and he was more of a trouble than me. It used to be his middle name. Jaturun "Trouble" Jarupanivh. Our teachers in elementary school used to call him that.

Right now I am waiting for the class to start. I have never missed a day. And I have never been late for school. I'm quite smart, top of my class. Well. Until Ram came back.

Chatter Chatter

'Tsk! My classmates are like bees. Buzzing way too early in the morning.'


"Morning, Pha! Why are you always so early to come? Don't tell me you were here first again."

"Instead of scrutinizing me, why don't you examine yourself first, Ai'Pier. You come late all the time."

"Well unlike you richboy I don't have my own car to drive to school."

"Right. As if I didn't know your bike was confiscated by your daddy because you got a tattoo."

"Pffft! Is there anything you don't know?"

"There is. But I'm still figuring out everything about it." about him.

'Damn! What time is he coming?'

Door opens and everyone stopped talking.

"Hahaha! It was fun, wasn't it? I almost got tangled on that elephant's trunk!"

"Well I saved you, didn't I?"

"But you laughed and waited first! Stupid Ram!"

There he is. The most beautiful boy I have ever seen. Yeah. Yeah. Cliché definition of him. But that even is an understatement.

Boon Boonmee Vongvanich. Omega. Those who don't know him well would think twice to assume he is.

Smart. Very smart. Handsome. Pretty handsome. Taekwondo black belt. Multilingual. Rich. Vongvanich- Pierro third heir.

Ram doesn't even realize the extent of the Pierro empire of South Korea. The infamous luxury car makers and owners of Asia. It rivals the fortune of the Vongvanichs of Thailand.

Boon would be perfect with me. Not my cousin.


"Hey, cous'! You're early again today, huh?" Ram greeted and sat next to me. Boon walked past us and took the chair next to my cousin.

We are seated at the very front. Boon sits at the far right. It used to be Ram's chair but my cousin suddenly took the one between me and Boon. Talk about possessive.

"Ugh! Why does everybody keep asking me that? Isn't it obvious?"

"Woah...calm your nerves down. I was just making a conversation. Geez! What's gotten into your pants today?"

'Not Boon. That's for sure.'

"What's that? Did you say something?" Ram asked me when I could only softly utter my frustrated thoughts.

I clicked my tongue and just gave him a side glance. "Nothing."

"Morning, Boon!" My eye view went over my cousin and all the way to the pretty boy next to him. I gave him my best smile.

"Morning, Pha." he replied to me. His smile is the brightest there is. My angel.

I have been in love with Boon ever since I met him a year ago at their house.

I played the guilt trip with Ram for leaving to US and not talking to me. That's when I finally convinced him to let me meet his boyfriend.

And boy, did I get a surprise. Boon was the same cutie I met when I was 12. And also the same omega kid that attracted a bunch of alpha in our school on the first day of my freshman high. It was the most intense omega heat I have encountered.

The opening and closing of the classroom door brought me back from my reverie.

"Morning, class! Let's see where we left off...."


I was on my way to the cafeteria for lunch when I caught sight of two boys kissing in an empty classroom. The door is slightly ajar.

Ram and Boon.

My blood started to boil. I fucking hate the way Ram rounds his arms around Boon while kissing him. I want my own arms to round that waist.

And don't they know anyone could just walk in and witness them doing this?

I slammed the door open to much of their shock. "Hey! The lunchtime isn't going to wait for you, two!"


I don't understand why he won't be with me instead. I am better. More handsome. Richer. I came from a dominant alpha bloodline. I am superior.

He, as my future omega pair and I, will be the envy of the whole country. Of the whole world even. Our pairing will rival the famous alpha omega couple from China.

Our union will be the talk of every television shows. It will be featured in every leading magazine. It will be a headliner on top newspapers. Not just in Thailand. But also worldwide.

Our story will inspire millions of people. Film makers will line up to get an interview for a documentary or a movie they want to produce about us.

And my future offspring will be the prince of the Khumpai empire that I will build.

I, Phraisong Khumpai and Boon Vongvanich will be the ultimate alpha-omega couple.

My life will be complete if I get to have him. And no soulbond bullshit will stop me from getting what I want.


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