Chapter 4 He Belongs To Me

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Ram's POV

Boon and I had the talk with our parents at the manor a week ago. It was a very awkward meeting.

We asked our parents for permission to complete our bonding on the next time Boon goes in heat. It will be around the time we turn eighteen. Which is a couple of weeks away.

I know that it sounded selfish especially for my part because it will mean Boon would have to be with me. Forever. Even death wouldn't be able to keep us apart.

I have done my research.

When one of the soul bonded pair dies, the other follows. It's still a huge mystery in the medical field. Even the scent that two pairs smell on each other has medical experts puzzled. Only soulbond couples have this special attributes.

Speaking of research, the story about the famous couple Huang fu and Liang, soulbonded pair from China, has helped and inspired me and my relationship with Boon.

These two are still together, obviously. But what they've been through were probably more painful than what Boon and I had. Recently, they welcomed their first child.


Today is Monday and I'm picking up Boon to go to school. We are now senior high school students at Khumpai Integrated.

After constant begging, Boon finally got the okay from his father, Xander, to go back to school and get his diploma with me.

I drive a bike and Boon likes it. But when we go on weekend dates I drive my car. You guys are not innocent. You know why. You know what it's for.

.....To put stuff in. Like shopping bags. Or picnic basket and other picnic necessities.

Alright. I drive my car so we have privacy for some quick.....

.....make out session.

Why? What were you guys thinking?


We do that, too.

"I stopped in front of Boon's house to wait for him to come out. It's a weekday so everyone in his family has probably already left for work or school.

The huge double doors opened on one side and my lovely boyfriend came out wearing his beautiful smile. If looking at this beauty can kill, I would have died a thousand and more deaths.

Boon walked towards and hugged me. Instead of a kiss, he sniffed on my scent by rubbing his nose against my neck.

"Please don't turn me on first thing in the morning, baby." I responded to him as I rounded my arms around his waist.

I'm no better because I'm also having a fill of his scent myself. Vanilla and strawberry.

I pushed him slightly to get a better look at his face. We looked at each other's eyes for a moment and then I cupped his face to bring him for a kiss.

'I'm the happiest person in this universe.'

After that very sweet few minutes, we started our journey to school.

"Ugh! My body is still sore Ram." Boon is complaining while he rubbed his backside.

"I'm pretty sure we didn't do much, Boon." I said with a wink.

I'm driving my car and on my left is the passenger seat where my Boon is uncomfortably sitting.

"Ow! Why did you smack me, love?" I didn't even see his hand landing on my shoulder when he smacked me.

"I didn't say it was because of-"

"The sex...yeah?" I completed his sentence.

Boon blushed real hard. No wonder P'Brad likes to tease his brother a lot. Boon is the cutest when embarrassed.

But then again I have seen far more than just his embarrassed face. Wink.

"Ow! Baby, you're becoming violent."

"Aish! It was because of yesterday!" Boon tried to explain to me the reason for his sore body.

"Owh... I thought it was the-"

I was about to say, 'the car sex' but when I glanced at him on my left, he's glaring at me.

"-the zoo! The zoo, Boon."
If I said car sex he would have been mad. But he doesn't really get mad. But speaking of carsex, we haven't done that yet.

Good thinking, Ram.

The class hasn't started yet when Boon and I entered our first period classroom.

Boon and I are classmates. Phraisong, my cousin is also in the same class.

My boyfriend and I walked into the room still talking about the zoo date we had yesterday.

The class went quiet upon our entrance. Everyone knows about my relationship with Boon. We didn't keep it a secret. We are both proud to be in it.

We do get unwanted attention. For various reasons, I guess. My cousin for example. Phraisong Jarupanivh Khumpai.

I hate to admit it but I think he is obsessed with my Boon. I could not confront him directly because it might turn bad.

After I seated myself between Phraisong and Boon, I turned to my cousin. "Hey. cous'! You're early again, huh."

He let out a groan. "Ugh! Why does everybody ask me that? Isn't it obvious?"

"Woah...calm your nerves down. I was just making a conversation. Geez! What's gotten into your pants today?"

What's with him? He's been irritable lately. Phraisong didn't use to be like this. Not until a year ago.

It's Boon. I'm sure he is frustrated about it. But he can't have him. Boon and I belong together.


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