Chapter 1 The Alpha

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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. _______________________________________________________________________________________________


Ram's POV

My name is Ram Jaturun Jarupanivh, alpha born.

My father, Daniel Jarupanivh came from a long line of elite alphas here in Thailand. My brother, a year younger than me, Ming, is also an alpha.

My mother, Bella is a beta. My sister four years older than me is also a beta.

As the oldest son, I grew up trying and doing the best in whatever I do. I always try to make my parents proud me.

Fate had other plans for me. It was a very good plan in my opinion. However, it did put me and my loved ones in ferris wheel rides of our life. Unexpected sometimes painful rides. If you ask me though, they were all worth it.

I met the love of my life when I was twelve. Barely 13. He is my omega. My fated one. My soulmate.

In this world, the kind of thing Boon Boonmee Vongvanich and I have, is very rare. Even once thought of as a mere legend.

Here in Thailand that is.

Until Kasem Sutivong and Ishan Rakthum's story happened. These two lovebirds that are now happily married have the same connection Boon and I share. The soulbond.

It's been a couple of years since we began dating and now Boon and I are turning eighteen. We share the same birthday— the 17th of September.I learned from our parents that we were born at the same time at the same hospital. In Chiang Mai.

Third Person's POV

Eighteen years ago...

Chiang Mai General Hospital

"Please! Attend to my wife first! She's having a baby!"

"Here we go! ... There. We got her. Please come down, Mr. Vongvanich. It will be fine. Wait outside."

A few minutes later...

"Xander! How's Vanessa? Did she give birth yet?"

"No, Bella. She's still in labor. The doctor wouldn't let me in the room."

"I'll talk to them. I know the director."

"Thanks, Dan. And I'm sorry about dinner. We had to leave early."

"The baby's gotta come out when it wants to come out right?"


"Mr. Xander?"

"Yeah? That's me."

"Your wife needs you. We will begin the cesarean."

"Bella, what's wrong?"

"D-Dan...I think my water broke."

"What?! We still have a week to go!"

"But Ram wants to come out NOW!"

"Sshhh...I'm sorry, honey. I'll get the doctor."

"Hurry the fuck up! O-Ow! Shit! It hurts!"

A few minutes past midnight, two baby cries from two newborns were heard in the maternity ward of the hospital. One minute after the other.

Baby Ram Jaturun Jarupanivh was born September 17, 2000 12:21am.

Baby Boon Boonmee Vongvanich was born September 17, 2000 12:22 am

Present time...

"So I was a premature baby?" Ram suddenly questioned his parents in the middle of a family discussion with the Vongvanichs.

Both Boon and Ram's parents decided to have the talk because the two young lovers apparently want to discuss the completion of their bond. Earlier than planned, they hoped.

"Not really. Only one week was left before you were supposed to be born so it wouldn't really have mattered." his dad, Dan answered Ram.

Ram and Boon are sitting on one of the loveseats at the manor's second living room. Right across is another loveseat where Ram's parents are seated. In the middle is the long couch Boon's parents are sitting on. A nice coffee table completes the set of the French style room.

"Guess you wanted to come out of the world early because your omega here was due that day."

It doesn't offend Boon anymore to be referred to as an omega because for one he is. And two, he feels blessed to be born as a rare gender and because he was born to be Ram's omega.

"Hear that, love. My mom is right, baby. Even my unborn self wanted to be with you and see you before even coming out." Ram wrapped his arms around his lover while grinning ear to ear over his mom's revelation.

"Pft! You both came out, alright." Dan just scoffed at his son.

Boon could only blush through it all. He just smiled towards his future in laws.

"Awwww! Boonie... You are so adorable." Bella cooed her son's boyfriend seeing his beautiful tomato face.

"So what's this about removing your choker, Boon?" Xander's face became serious. He put down his coffee on the coffee table and proceeded with the real issue at hand.

"Um...Ram and I want to complete the soulbond on our birthday." Boon fidgeted as he answered his father.

"What? I thought you will do this after graduation in college?" Vanessa almost spilled her own drink upon her son's statement.

"" Boon doesn't know how to tell their parents behind the sudden decision him and Ram had made.

"There are a few reasons actually." Ram stated to back up his lover. He held Boon's hand while they still sit on the couch together.

..... Does the Khumpai kid have anything to do with it, Boon?" Xander picked up mug and took a sip, his eyes are suspiciously looking at both Boon and Ram.

"What does my nephew have to do with all this?" Now it's Dan's turn to question the kids. His drink was long gone, gulped it in one go.

"You mean Phraisong, Dan?"

"Is there any other Khumpai kid who happened to be dad's nephew mom?"

"Don't be a smartass, Ram."

"So care to tell us the reason or reasons... Son." Xander kept on digging for answers from Boon "Tell us, little alpha, are you that scared to lose our Boon?" He then shifted his question toward Ram.

The young alpha gulped.


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