I have to go.....

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Mike led us to the backyard where the party was mostly being held. There were tiki-torches set up around the yard and a cute, black lab running around. She ran up to me and I leaned down to pet her.

"Your dog?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, that's Molly." He seemed pretty unexcited by all of this, but his eyes were locked on me, which made me feel uncomfortable.

I looked around and headed to the drinks, opening a can of grape soda and sipping it quietly. I didn't know anyone here, and it was a little awkward. I just wanted to leave.

"Do you want to go on the swings?" Mike asked. I felt like a little kid, but hey, swings are cool.

We started swinging slowly while I watched Harry head over to Lindsey, who was a pretty, petitte blond headed girl, probably a year older than me. He really didn't waste time picking up girls.

"So, you're brother is Harry Styles," Mike said, following my eyes. 

"Yep," I said, taking another sip of pop. 

"That's really cool," He said, looking at his feet. "My sister's practically in love with One Direction."

I looked up at her, and she was smiling like crazy and almost screaming to Harry.

"Yeah, I can tell," I said, smiling.

He smiled back.

"So, where'd you come from?" He asked.

"Cheshire, England," I replied.

"Whoa," He said. "Well, I can kinda tell from your accent. It's really pretty."

I gave a faint smile. "Thanks." Something about him unsettled my stomach, and I put the pop down.

He looked at the ground again for a minute, like he was gettting up the courage to say something,  and then sighed and looked at me. Uh oh. 

"Listen..." He said. "I was just wondering...."

"Hold that thought, I have to go to the bathroom, sorry, be right back," I blurted, interuptting him.  I stood up and walked away, throwing my half-finished pop on the way. 

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