Shrimp, Pasta, and swarming

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Niall and I drove to Biaggis, which was a pretty fancy restaurant, but Niall said he wanted to treat me to a really fancy date. Hey, that works for me. But I felt underdressed.

We walked into the building and immediatley, heads turned our way. But instead of usually not coming over to us, people swarmed us like bees. I'm not the claustraphobic type, but I am when people are recording me and trying to get Niall's autograph and stuff.

I felt Niall reach over and grab my hand, squeezing it, and I smiled. I had to get used to this, anyway.

Niall said hi to his fans and signed some things and I said hi to people to, and then a few girls asked me, "Are you guys really dating?"

"Yep," I replied, smiling. 

They all squealed. Godness, girls these days.

Finally, Niall said we had to go eat, and the girls all said by. A waitress lead us to a small table in the corner, but I still felt eyes on me.

"I'm sorry bout that," Niall said. I could feel his foot rubbing against mine under the table, tingled, and smiled. "We kinda got swarmed."

"Hey, I'll get used to it," I replied, and got a grin in return.

We both ordered a shrimp and pasta dish and ate it with only a couple people coming up to us. When we were finished eating, we got back in the car and drove to the beach. Both of us didn't want this date to end.

We sat on the beach and watched the sunset. "It's so beautiful out here," Niall said. 

I nodded. "Aint it?"

He scooched closer to me and put his arm around me, and I smiled. Then he put his warm hand on my cheek and kissed me. I still couldn't get over that, God. I put my arms around his neck, and he kissed me more and more. We went on like that until the sun went down.

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