Chapter 1. Your just early

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Chapter 1. Your just early

The names Tris Waters and Mitch shadows should never be in the same sentence but clearly this is something that my teachers, friends and family have not discovered. The very thought of them in the same sentence is enough to make me gag.

It's third period, I've managed to avoid any contact with any students especially said bad boy. Making my way into my history class, I sigh in relief when I notice nobody is sitting in my seat. I make my way to the back if the class and throw my bag into the seat next to me and set out my notebook and pens. I'm early as usual. As I watch the horny teenagers that u call class mates enter the class laughing and shouting I role my eyes in disgust. I'm not a people person as you can tell but do they have to make so much noise!?

Pulling my shoulder length brown hair into a pony tale, my teacher, Mr Mathews enters dropping his brief case onto the desk. Silence covers the class room and his piercing stare causes the popular jocks to cower. Finally silence.

As Mr Mathews launches into his speech about how the house of York is better than the house of Lancaster, I completely zone out, I have enough notes on this mans unhealthy obsession on this particular subject to last me a life time and more. Noticing that Mr Mathews grey beard blends into his grey suit as normal but another thing is that he has his shirt hanging out his tie stained and the small fact that he's flying low is enough to make me want to claw my eyes out. However I'm quickly brought out if my daze as everything is silent.

All heads swing in the direction of the door as I sigh in utter frustration. There in all his glory is the school bad boy or as he is also known Mitch Shadows. A white V neck shirt clung to his muscular torso, dark wash jeans hang of his hips and black boots cover his feet. In the distance you could hear the girls in my class dribble in delight.

Please control yourself ladies!

A smirk spread across his face causing his dimples to appear, chocolate eyes glisten and his black hair is all messy. I really don't see what everyone sees into him, they treat him like god like he's the gift if humanity when in reality his a smug egotistic ass that has a fetish for teasing an winding me up.

"Your late Mr shadows" Mr Mathews

Killed the silence

"I'm not your just simply early" Mitch winked, the cocky git

"Take a seat"

"As you wish me lord" bowing Mitch made his way to a seat. More importantly the seat next to me.

Thanks god your so great today! Not!

Picking up my bag and placing it on the floor he sat down, smirking at me. I can feel the death glares from every girl in the room, if looks could kill I would be ash right now.

"Hey sugar" he winks

"Go away"

"I love you to" is his response as he places his arm on the back of my chair.

"Oh please" I scoff

"Bit soon to start the begging eh Tris"

To that I did not reply, crossing my legs and pulling the sleeves down on my navy jumper I picked at my note pad, while Mitch began his torment. Playing with the tips of my hair, stroking my shoulder and constantly rubbing my neck, I was begging to get ticked off.

"Stop it"

"Mitch stop"

"STOP TOUCHING ME YOU SEXED UP FREAK!" I screamed jumping out if my seat causing a few giggles and total silence.

"Whoa Tris calm down babe" a loud laugh came from Mitch

"I'm not your babe!" I shriek

"Tris waters and Mitch Shadows detention now!" Mr Mathews yelled

Thanks jackass

Picking up my bag I shove my notes back away. Giving my best death glare to Mitch I stomp out of the class room with the Mitch hot on my tale. I can feel the smile radiating off his face and hear is quite laugh.

"Your cute when your mad sugar"

"It's a shame you'll never be cute!" I spit back

"Aww come on baby you know you love alone time with me"

"I'd rather sit in a bath of acid"

"Anything with you naked"

I let out a frustrated moan while entering the detention room and to my happiness there was no teacher, joy. Please note the sarcasm.

I flopped down in a seat and he followed me to the opposite seat. Moving do a different seat he follow again and so on and so on until I have up. Then came the intense stare off where my Hazel eyes clash with his chocolate orbs anger evident in mine amusement in his.

I used to be a good student until my hatred for Mitch sprung up and then me and him where in constant detention, don't get me wrong he never upset me or anything he just winds me up because I don't worship the ground he walks on and I don't swoon at his bad boy charm which clearly amuses him. You'd think I'd get away from him at school but oh no go wasn't on my side, he lives at the other end of my street but the worse is yet to come my parents litterly love him he can do no wrong in there eyes so I have to deal with him after school weekends and holidays. He really is like a twenty four hour job but a pain in my ass.

Our stare off continued for some time until the beautiful sound of the lunch bell rang out, and I did not walk out that door I usain bolted out that door making my way to the cafè. Today is going to bed along day.

A/N hey guys hoped you enjoyed chapter one! This is my first teen fiction so I hope you enjoy! Comment what you think and vote and follow me :) if you have any questions you an message me but other than that enjoy :)

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