Carmel cream frappachino? Is that with or without rat possion?

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Chapter 3: Carmel cream frappachino? Is that with or without rat poisson?

It Sunday a day to relax maybe pig out and watch the programmes you've missed or study like crazy but me nope I have to work. Yay! I work in the local Starbucks that's 'super busy'. So as I'm watching my life waste away and listening to the general office gossip suddenly startled by the till bell going.

There at the till is a total Greek god of a guy, I can see his muscles through the back is his top an his back hair is wild but controlled I can see that he's wearing sunglasses and has an earphone in, if only his face would be as perfect as the back of him. Flattening my apron out and smoothing my hair I put on my best smile.

"Hello how may I help you sir?" I say sweetly grabbing his attention.

He turned around and to my utter disappointed and misfortune it was my own personal stalker Mitch.

Run now while you have the chance!

"Oh it's you" my face fell with my tone.

"Tris whoa your a sexy waitress"

You know boiling water might melt that smug look if his face?

"What do you want?"


"Your order?"

"You with whipped cream"


"I love it when you scream my name"

"For fuck sake Mitch what drink do you want!" Blush crept onto my face as a amused satisfied look danced on his.

"A large Carmel cream frappachino please" his voice deep and husky.





"Sorry" I smiled as cute as I could before writing 'butt whipe' on his cup.

"So that's a large Carmel cream frappachino? With or without the rat poision?" I battered my eye lids and smiled

"What ever turns you on surger" he winked.

I started to make his drink as my boss came in from his office, one of the overly up tight guys in a suit started to talk to him, I couldn't make out what they where saying but I guess it was about me from the glances my boss was giving me. Finishing up Mitchs drink I passed it over the counter just as my boss came over.

"Excuse me sir? Has this lady been rude and aggressive towards you?" My boss questioned Mitch

"She's been..." He glanced at me as I stood pale and impersonating a gold fish " she's been lovely thank you" he finished

"You see sir I've had some complaints that she has been aggressive and rude towards you" my boss stated looking at his cup "butt whipe? You asked for butt whipe on your cup?" He asked slightly suspicious while I look increasingly more and more guilty.

"Urm... Yeah I guess I did" Mitch stutters

"I'm sorry to say sir I don't believe you and we've had several witnesses" he started "the drink is on the house and tris your fired I cannot accept this behaviour please leave"

My heart sank I had gotten fired because of Mitch that asshole.

"Please sir don't fire her I provoked the situation it's my fault" Mitch informed my ex boss

"Either way sir she has insulted a costumer and upset the rest of my customers I cannot accept that behaviour" and with that my boss took my apron and went back to his office.

Tears threatened to spill, how am I going to pay for college now or fine a new job. Quickly the tears disappeared and pure anger and hatred boiled through me, turning to face him angry hazel eyes meet his sorry brown eyes.

"Tris I'm sorry I didn't mean to get you fired"

"Whatever Mitch just leave me the fuck alone" I shoved passed him and excited the building

"Tris please!"

"Go away! Carnt you see your ruining my life!? The bad boy thing may work for you but it's wrecking everything of mine!"

"Please let me make it up to you, in sorry okay!" He said grabbing my wrist, electricity ran through my body at his touch, I quickly shock my hand from his grip.

"Just leave me alone, fine someone else to play your silly bad boy game with cuz seriously bored of it" and with that I made my way home trying to think of a good way to explain to my parents how I lost my job.

A/n hey guys hope you enjoyed the chapter sorry its so short but a little is alot right XD so I go back to college this week so updates will be getting slower but I will be making longer chapters for you all :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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