Chapter 2

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        "So you've really never tried sushi?" I looked at him.

        "Nope," He grinned. The park was over-all pretty quiet because just about every other human was working or at school. 

        "Well are you hungry?" At that same moment I heard a girly gasp.

        "Mikey, is that you!" Some girl with huge tits and fake lashes and a major lack of clothes skipped over, placing her arm on Mikey's who may I add looked really confused at first.

        "Oh, April, hey," He smiled cheekily at her, is he checking her out?! Of course he is! She has boobs.... 

        "Oh! Who is this?!" She looked at me with such a fake smile I almost wanted to punch her. 

        Mikey then looked at me as if he had forgotten I was there, "Oh, this is Callie," He looked back at April. 

        "Oh okay are you two-"

        "No," I gave her the same smile she had given me.

        "Okay, Mikey so you'd wanna hang out soon," She ran her hand down his stomach and he just nodded happily, he almost looked like a 12 year old watching a porno for the first time and it made me absolutely sick. 

        "Good," She replied, glaring at me and then skipping off.

        "You're drooling," I stated bitterly even though he wasn't.

        "Isn't she hot?" He looked at me, then his smile faded as he saw that I was not pleased, "I mean your hot t-"




        Our lips connected and he tensed up at first but slowly kissed my back, placing his hands on my waist. I don't know why I just did that or why I was still kissing him but damn did it feel good. 

    When I pulled away he started laughing and my cheeks turned pink, "What?"

    "That was my cousin," He couldn't contain his laughter. 

        "But she...."

        "It was a joke!" My face turned brighter red as I turned away from him, "Awh you're so cute when you blush!"

        I turned around and slapped him, "You did that on purpose!" 

        "Ow! And what did I do?" 

        "You let me kiss you and you knew I was jealous and you j-"

        "Wait, you were jealous?"        

        "What? No!" Denial? Really? Smooth Callie.

        "You just said you were,"

        "Well I wasn't."

        "I think you were."

        "Shut up!" I blushed again, why was I acting like this I'm usually so good at talking to boys. 

        He put his arm around me, "At least your a good kisser," He joked.

        I glared.

        "What?" He pouted, "Is somebody being a sore loser?"

        "I will get you back," I stated, beginning to walk to my car. He followed and I am not sure if it was because I was his only ride or he found it amusing that I had some good way to get back at him.

        And no I do not have a good way to get back of him.


        Mikey and I had been talking more and more the past week and I got yelled at by my mum cause I went out after curfew out. She doesn't ground me in fear that I will hate her forever.

       Oh yeah and I figured out that Mikey lives across the street from me which is pretty cool, we've been hanging out a lot, mostly playing Mario Kart. 

        I was sitting my book on my nightstand when I heard the door open downstairs, "Muuummm??" I called, standing up slowly. There was no reply. 

        "Muuummmmmm?" I called again. No reply. 

        I grabbed my pocket knife and made my way down the stairs. There was a loud bang in the kitchen and I ran in to see Mikey pouting and looking at the pot he had dropped. 

        "Fuck you, I thought you were some creepy man here to brutally murder me or something," I snapped at him. 

        He looked up at me, "Hey buttercup, scared much?"

        "If somebody broke into your house don't you think you'd be pretty scared too?" I raised my eye brow at him, accusingly.

        "Nah, I'd be fine cause I'm strong," He flexed his arms and I rolled my eyes. He did have biceps to kill and it was very attractive but he was just so annoyingly cute. 

        "I amm!" He pouted. 

        "Sure you are, idiot," I walked over and picked up the pot he had dropped, "What were you doing with this anyway?"

        "I was gonna throw it at you when you came in," I looked up at him.

        "Are you serious?"

        "Um, yeah..." 

        "That could seriously hurt me ya know!" 

        "Awh, poor you," He stood closer to me. I glared at him and stormed upstairs, "I like your outfit, you should wear it more often. And that's when I realized I was wearing shorts. And no shirt.

        My face turned red and I threw the nearest thing I could reach (which happened to be a plastic spork) at him, "WHY WOULD YOU WAIT THIS LONG TO-" 

        "Ow, so much pain, ya know you're really sexy when you get angry."


        He walked to me and I raced up the stairs but he grabbed my waist, pulling me back to him, "I could take off my clothes too," He winked playfully. 

        "You're such an idiot, let me put some clothes on," I escaped his hold and he pouted.

        "Fine," He walked upstairs ahead of me, "What are you doing?"

        "I've already seen you with practically no clothes on, I think I can sit in your room while you find a shirt."

        "Sure, invite yourself in why don't ya."

        "Thank you!" He skipped into my room and I heard him plop onto my bed. 


XD Okay I have no idea why but Wattpad automatically rated this chapter R there's really nothing bad in it. Except boobs and the word fuck. 

        Anywhore I am gonna go update other stories now.

Love ya lots,


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2014 ⏰

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