Your dating him?!

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Your going out with him?!
A/M: okay so a lot of stuff will happen in this chapter so brace yourself

The next morning everyone came back to school and was talking and hanging out.

"Andi, you have to meet Philip" said Maddie

"I met him yesterday and I swear he is like another version of you. Soul mates!" Breathed Maddie saying all these stuff at once

Andi's eyes widen "oh um I can't-"

"Nonsense" Maddie cutting Andi's sentence "besides you aren't dating anyone so..." She started to say "and plus his other friend Liam, is so cute! An you kind of have to meet him because tonight were going on a double date!" Squeaked Maddie

"Tonight!?" Screamed Andi

"What it's Friday night no school tomorrow" reasoned Maddie

"Look Maddie I can't-"

"Why not? You aren't dating anyone"

After realizing she won't be able to get out of it Andi just nodded her head which lead Maddie to jumping up and down an clapping he hands

"Now who got Maddie Van Pelt to be acting like a child?" Asked a deep voice and right away they knew who it was it was Diego and the sharks were there well except for Daniel

"If you must know, Andi just agreed to going on a double date with me tonight with two hot guys name Liam and Philip" Maddie said proudly as Andi's eyes widen looking at Jax

"WHAT?!" Screamed Jax who was really shocked. The sharks look at him suspiciously "I mean I can't believe it Andi Cruz? Dating? It doesn't match" Jax hurried to make it seem okay with his recent outburst

"Well it is" proudly stated Maddie "let's go Andi" they quickly ran off to their class

Jax was confuse and heart broken. He couldn't believe it

'Meet me outside the boys bathroom' she texted him and he was getting worried, was she gonna up with him?

That question was spinning inside of his head he was pulled into the boys bathroom

"I know your freaking out but hear me out" Andi tried to say in a calm voice
Jax nodded

"Maddie kept pushing me to go out with this guy Philip, she keeps on trying to reason with me saying stuffs like I don't have a boyfriend and I can't say 'yes I do have a boyfriend his name is Jax' I promise it will only be for one night and after that its over I will just tell Maddie I'm not interested" said Andi worried that her boyfriend will be mad

"Okay" he Said silently "just promise you won't led him on, and you have to tell me exactly what is going on between you two"

"Got it"

They were about to lean in before they heard the toilet flush and the door opening

'Oh no' they both thought. When the door finally open it was revealed to be the one person they didn't expect.


Just by the look you can tell he was angry

He washed his hands as he took the paper towel and threw it away. He turned around and crossed his arms while he lean into the sink. Clearly mad

"So you guys just gonna stand there or tell me why Andi has referred to Jax as a 'boyfriend'?"

"I prefer just to stand here" said Andi

Daniel rolled his eyes. "Are you guys together?"

"Um- yes" answered Jax

"I thought you guys hate each other! How long have this been going on?"

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