Dinner date crashers

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"Yo why are you pacing back and forth?" Ask Daniel as they were in Daniels hangout/ room. Daniel invited Jax over for an all Nighter it's like a sleepover instead of the sleeping part

"I am worried about Andi!" He answered as he took his hands and pulle them on his hair

"Dude I thought you trust her?"

"I do it's just that I never met this Philip dude, and I don't know if I trust him"

"Okay you know what?" Daniel said as he got up from the couch and head to the T3 prank closet


"Okay normally I wouldn't agree with this but if you are so worried lets go to the restraunt and spy and if anything you don't like happening then we aim and BULLSEYE!" As he took a sling shot with little eggs

"Okay, let's hurry- wait we don't know where there at!"

Daniel thought for a minute then he exclaim

"How about Emma? I'm pretty sure she'll know where their gonna be at"

"Okay let's do this"

They all hurried out the Millers house hold ad left across the street where Emma lives and knocked fiercely on the door

"What?!" Screamed Emma and when she saw it was Jax and Daniel she was confuse "we want to know where my girlfriend's double date is at!" Exclaimed Jax

"Wait what? Are you guys gonna spy on them?"

"Duh" Jax and Daniel both said at the same time

"Okay I can't let anything happen so I'm gonna come with"

"Okay then" Daniel smiled which made Emma smile back at him, Jax saw all of this and smirked

When they got to the restraunt they immediately saw them. They were in a booth talking and laughing

"Oh my gosh I love zombies too!" Exclaim Andi

A bang of jealousy rang trough him

"Me too!" The guy they assume was Philip exclaim putting his arm around Andi which got her to look uncomfortable

"Okay that's it!" Jax said angrily taking the sling shot and shot Philip with an egg an it hit his forehead

"Ow" he said in pain while he took his hand away and touch his forehead

"Why you do that for?!" Emma said in her mothers tone

"What? Did you see the way he put his hand around her?"

Daniel chuckled "are you jealous?" Ask Daniel

"No what makes you say that?"

Emma and Daniel just rolled their eyes at him

Andi turned to see who threw the egg but just in time everyone ducked their heads and she saw no one but she was still suspicious

"Who hit me with an egg!?" Shouted Philip standing up and looking around the room

"Don't worry, let me help you with it" suggested Andi as she took a napkin and dapped it on his head

Jax face palm himself while Emma and Daniel groaned in annoyance

"Great!" Exclaimed Jax

"You know I'm glad your here with me tonight" said Liam with sparkle in his eyes

"Aww me too" sweetly replied Maddie

"Yea, I'm glad that its you and not your lame friend- what's her name Emma"

"Um excuse me?"

"Yes I mean the way you describe her. Perky? Glittery? Yuck!"

"Okay now give me that" exclaim Emma while taking the sling shot from Jax and took one egg and sling it right at Liam's forehead!

"Ow! Who did That?!" He screamed as he shot up from his seat and looked around the room but everyone just stared at him as if he was crazy

"I wish it was me!" Screamed Maddie

"Don't you dare talk about my friends that way!" Maddie screamed with rage as she took her

"But it kind of true, I mean that Sophie girl is a bit dumb" Philip piped up

And that's when Andi took her glass of pink lemonade and splash it in his face

"Ahh. My eyes!" He screamed clutching his eyes as they burn

"Andi let's go" Maddie said

As they walk out the door Andi spotted them and she was speehless not because they were there its because they had the sling shots with eggs on them

"Um Maddie. I'll go home by myself you should go. I'll call you" she quickly said

"Ok. Sorry Andi I set you up with that jerk"

Andi said it was okay and then Maddie left

"What are you guys doing here?!"

"I'm sorry I was just worried" Jax reasoned

"Um I'll take Emma home" Daniel said while grabbing Emma an leaving "see you at my house"

Jax was explain more but was cut off before he can even start

"Park. Now" they walked in silence until they reached the park

"Jax Nova, what were you thinking? I thought you trusted me?!"

"I do! It's that Philip guy I don't trust and good thing we were there! Font you see the way his had around you-" he was cut off yet again by Andi by crashing her lips against his, it was a way to get him to stop talking

This kiss was more passionate, more fierce. They broke apart panting

"Your cute when your jealous"

"How many times do I have to say I'm not jealous!"

"Sure your not"

Mean while with Emma and Daniel

"So you okay with Jax and Andi" ask Emma

"We'll kind of, I mean it kind of made sense when he told me how they got started" he explained

Emma raised in eyebrow "what made sense?"

"They got stared during mid terms right?" She nodded

"Well I remember during that time he was more... Happy. Always smiling, and cheery, me and the guys just assumed he was doing well in the mid terms... What about you?"

"What do you mean?" She ask

"What did you think about Jax and Andi?"

"I think it's crazy! But They look very happy, and I guess just before when Jax was jealous he actually do care about Andi"

"Yea, he is happy"

"You know I thought you would have been like a rude, bad boy but your an okay guy" Emma complimented

"Thanks. Us sharks aren't all bad you panthers think we are"

"Well we panthers aren't stuck up BFFS you sharks think we are" he mocks as she copies her

He let out chuckle "we'll this is your house, good night"

"Yea" she as she Turned around but she turned back and grabbed Daniels arm and kissed him in the cheek "goodnight" Daniel just smiled dumb folded

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