Chapter Forty-Nine: So Long, Asshole

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Autumn shockingly had spare clean clothes in her Black Justice so she changed in Johnny's bathroom and got ready. Autumn's outfit for today was a White Women's Chest Band, Black & Saints Purple Short Sleeve Silk Shirt - half way buttoned up, Black, White & Violet Track Pants & Black Punk Shoes. When she walked down the stairs she saw Johnny watching the news. 

"Morning Hotty Johnny." Autumn said jokingly. 

"Morning, Autts." Johnny responded. 

"I'm going to the hideout to figure out a plan to take out Dane Vogel. You need to be there." Autumn told Johnny. 

"Alright, wanna go together?" Johnny asked. 

"Sure." Autumn said as Johnny got up, the two went into Autumn's Black Justice, Johnny offered to drive as Autumn told the rest to meet them at the hideout. They had small talk during the drive, they didn't want to talk about how emotional it was last night. When the two got there, Shaundi, Mandy, Jen, Pierce and even Ember was there. 

"Sister! Shouldn't you be at work?" Autumn asked Ember. 

"I see my first patient in three hours. Am I not allowed to spend time with my sister?" Ember asked, curiously. 

"Of course you are, I just thought you would be working." Autumn responded. 

"What did you want to discuss?" Jen asked. 

"I wanted to make a plan to take down Dane Vogel and Ultor, once and for all." Autumn answered with a stern look on her face. 

"Taking him out won't be easy." Shaundi said, chiming in. 

"I know that, but if we work together we can take him out. Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with Ultor, we've taken out their command one-by-one. Dane Vogel. From what I can gather, he's a total piece of shit and a coward. He's well protected but with the right plan, we can shoot through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Stilwater." Autumn responded. 

"What do you have in mind?" Mandy asked. 

"Well. . ." Autumn said as she started to explain her plan, which was actually a good one. Everyone agreed to the plan, now it was time to put it into action. Soon Dane Vogel will be giving a speech in front of the old Saints Hideout. Of course there was going to be a lot of security, but it was nothing the Saints couldn't handle. Johnny was set up on a building across from the church, with a sniper rifle. When the time was right he was to use the sniper rifle to kill Dane Vogel. Shaundi and Ember's roles were to watch the monitors and police scanners. Mandy and Jen were backup for Autumn if things went down south. Pierce led groups of Saints to the exits Dane may use to escape. 

"You in position, Johnny?" Autumn asked as she walked down the street, getting close to the target. 

"Oh yeah." Johnny responded. 

"Just make sure I get to Vogel." Autumn responded. 

"Mandy? Jen? How about you two?" Autumn asked. 

"Of course." Mandy answered. 

"Everyone else?" Autumn asked, everyone confirmed they were ready. Everything was going to plan until everyone heard a gunshot, from Johnny's sniper rifle, Autumn quickly looked over to the building and saw a police officer falling to the ground. The bullets came flying, Johnny still provided cover from above. They were compromised. Autumn tried to kill Dane, but he was already escorted to his limo, as the limo was going to go Autumn tried to jump onto the limo but failed. Mandy and Jen drove to Autumn, she went into the car and they chased down Vogel. 

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