Smell like sex π

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The whole night Scar kept teasing me about the almost kiss i almost shared with Alessandro before she budged in the room

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The whole night Scar kept teasing me about the almost kiss i almost shared with Alessandro before she budged in the room. She really grilled me to confess that there have been other silent kisses between us before. And i refused. She didn't have to know anything. She would tell Nate and it would be another issue all over again.
And they would have succeded in whatever plan they had of getting Alessandro and i to kiss and make up all those years of 'hatred' we've had.
    Did i also mention that we slept after changing the sheets, hell i couldn't sleep were they had their dried cum plastered and neither could my baby. Oh and we also kept the window open all night and sprayed abit of air freshener. Funny thing when we got to their room Enna scrunched her nise up like a bunny, "mommy, what's that smell?"
      "Se-" i clamped Scarlets mouth shut glaring at her, with my hand over it and laughed nervously, "A bug died in here baby. It's nothing."
She shrugged and was ready to get in the bed but i told her not to get in between those sheets. "Mommy I'm sooo sleepy," she whined.
Scarlett grinned, "let her sleep Gia. Nate won't mind. I don't."
Oh hell, to the fucking no.
"Get your ass out of that bed and sleep on the couch or something before i change those sheets!" i almost shouted. Grumpily, she laid on the beanie bag and slept instantly.

In the morning during breakfast Enna and Mason bombarded me with questions of when we would be getting a Christmas tree. "Daddy said i can get one! Mommy please! Please let us get a Christmas tree!" they pleaded all through breakfast and i finally agreed. I told them if they'd be ready in ten minutes we would go and they rushed to Sandro's room and said they are going to bathe.
Then they came back blushing not a minute later, "Mommy can you help us to bathe?"
I chuckled and led them back to the room. I helped them out of their clothes and got off mine also. I thought, why not bathe with them at once. I helped them into the tub and got in after. Twenty minutes later we were out and i wrapped towels around all of us.
"Mommy, why did you wrap the towel on my waist?" Mason furrowed his brows, seeing that Enna and is towels were wrapped on the pits.
"Because you're a boy, boys wrap towels on the waist, okay," i pinched his cheeks grinning. "Let's go get dressed you two. Or else we're not going anywhere."
They ran away gigling and started rummaging through their clothes.
I slapped their hands away telling them that they'll disarrange the folded clothes and told them to sit in the couch as i looked for the clothes they could wear. They insisted that they wanted to match outfits, so i had to look fir matching colours.
I was bent over their suitcases fishing out Mason's grey sweater that matched with his eyes. And black pants and socks. Turning around to throw the clothes on the bed, my heart was out of its chest. Alessandro was standing there. His gaze fixed on me. Rather my body, hungrily. I don't know why  but i looked down and my eyes widened at the very noticeable bulge of his massive cock printed on his sweats.
I swallowed almost painfully.

Even before i could state another word in my brain, he was already infront of me, his warm breathe faning over my face. I moved back and he glided forward, until i hit the cold wall, with him caging me in his sexy muscular veiny arms. His eyes were a shade darker than before. He looked like a predator in the jungle and i, his prey.

   He dipped his head and placed his face in the crook of my neck and took a large sniff with an animalistic growl stuck in his throat. I felt my core tighted and almost throb at the strained sound. He trailed kisses on my skin which was now buring hot and i tightened my thighs together and bit my lip to bite back a moan. My hands fell on my side, leaving my towel hanging on a thread, a knot rather, which was loose.

   His hands roaming around my shoulders and he grabbed my hair almost painfully but my core drenched and i moaned.
  He trailed kisses on my jaw, close to my jaw and growled, "damn how i want to ride your tight little cunt right now. lord knows how much i want you right now."
He pinned me to the wall with his body plastered on mine making me feel his hard cock which was probably throbbing. I moaned his name. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his hard cock through his pants, "see how hard i am for you baby! All i want is to fuck you senseless until you forget your name Gia."
I moaned, feeling my wet pussy dripping to my thighs."Sandro" i whispered. He locked my lips with his and kissed me hard. My hand still on his cock, i insinctly rubbed my hand up and down on his massive length, occasionally squeezing him.
He groaned in my mouth and i was happy i had that effect on him, i took that chance and thrust my tongue into his mouth and worked it, massaging him. His hands went under my towel and grabbed my ass with his strong arms. I moaned almost as if asking him to take me here and now.
Then i remembered the kids were in the room and i pushed him back slightly detaching my hand from his cock. He groaned and put his head on mine, breathing hard as i was, "now i have to go get myself to cum in the shower thinking about you and the gorgeous body beneath this little material."
I looked away embarassed. Looking around the room i couldn't see Mason and Enna, Oh thank god.
"I sent them out to look for Scar," he answered my questioning gaze.
He then pulled me in for another kiss and i pulled away before things got too heated. "Yoh i hope it doesn't smell like sex in here. I have to take Mason's clothes," Scar shouted from the other side of the door.
All Sandro did was laugh and told her to come in. He hugged me and hid me from the embarrassment i was feeling.
"Go take a shower, unless you're not coming with," i told him.
He shrugged and said he wasn't.
My face fell, "Oh." But i put on a smile after. He pulled me to him again and kissed my nose, "don't miss me too much. I have somethings i have to do. I'll see you later."
I pecked his lips and walked through the bathroom to my room where Scar was smirking at me.
"Don't even-" before i could finish that starement she started imitating Sandro with a deep voice, "I'm going to fuck you until you forget your name."
   I looked away, my cheeks hot with embarrassment. "Shut the fuck up Scar!" he groaned from the bathroom.
She looked excited, "i swear i was turned on listening to you guys.. Fuck."  

Heeeeey you horny cupcake lovers 😝😝😝😝😝

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Heeeeey you horny cupcake lovers 😝😝😝😝😝.
Thank you so much for all the love....... 
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