Love you like i do.

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       The next time i wake up i realise it's morning and i notice the drawing on the bed, suprised it didn't fall down

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       The next time i wake up i realise it's morning and i notice the drawing on the bed, suprised it didn't fall down. I grab the drawing book and examine the sketch.
De Lucca...
My thoughts immediately run to him.
His piercing grey eyes.
His unruly bed hair.
His sexy panty dropping smile.
His small sexy stubble.
And his perfect jawline.
    And everything he's made me experience during these last few days.

I get out of bed, putting the drawing on the side and got into the bathroom to freshen up. Getting out with a towel, i found Scar making her way in the room, tray in hand. Her eyes met mine and she smiled, "coffee?"
I grunted, "uh, yes please."
I put on a shirt and some warm trousers before sitting by the window with Scar.
She had a smile plastered on her face, "Nate asked me to move in with him when vacation is over."
My eyes widened with surprise, "what did you say?"
She grinned, "i said fucking yes! I am so in love with that fucker. He's sweet, charming and knows how to hit it right.. Kind of like, i don't know.....  Alessandro," she winked at the end of her statement.
I blushed and shaked my head.
Her eyes almost popped out, "you're in love with him, aren't you? You fucking love him!"
I shook my head, "i know. But I'm not telling him anything. He's married Scar."
She glared at me, "bullshit. Fucking bullshit. We both know that's not the reason because right now he's finalising the divorce with that bitch."
She leaned closer and grabbed my hands in hers, "he fucking loves you, Gia. Even a blind man can see that. And you love him too. What's the problem?"
I looked away, "I'm just not ready yet. To put my heart on my sleeves." I detatched from her and stood up, looking out, "this is not up for discussion. So I'll appreciate it if you dropped it."

She acted as if we hadn't had that conversation and said she was going to get ready for the gingerbread contest and left. I took a shower and dressed in beige tracks and white sneakers.
Nathan had taken the babies with him to the contest center which happens to be his grandmothers cafe by the way. They had taken the ginger bread house with them too. I just hope those idiots don't eat the cookies before the competition since they litteraly had me to do it.
"Gia! Get your ass out of the room. We're going to be late!" Scar shouted from downstairs.
I rolled my eyes and put on my gloves, still trying to ignore the bluish colour around my hands and what it would mean. I ran down and told her to lead the way.

The contest wasn't all that bad. We had alot of fun. And as i had guessed, those idiots kinda destroyed my masterpiece by eating my Santa Claus and cookie man, not forgetting my nutcracker. The kids blamed Nate. Frowning, they pointed fingers at him and glared, "mommy, don't be mad at us. Be mad at uncle Nate tricked us into eating it."
I put a finger on my chin and pretended to think, "i wonder what santa would say about this."
Their faces paled instantly and they started begging me not to tell Santa. That they would bake cookies for me and even save some for Alessandro.
I said i would think about it if they stayed with grandpa and grandma for the night. They agreed happily saying that they would have so much fun with them playing the games they always play together.
Nate drove them to the De Lucca hotel where his folks were staying and Scar and i went back to get ready for the Christmas gala at the same hotel.

I jumped into the shower quickly and i was out in no time. Scar was already in her dress. Long, tight, cleavage showing black dress. Trust me it left pretty little to the imagination.
I smirked at her, "Nate is going to have a problem keeping his hands to himself."
She threw her head back and laughed then winked at me, "that's the point."
I put on my black dress.  Of shoulder, showing not too much boobs and really tight around my bust and my ass flowing down to the floor.

I applied some red lipstick and some mascara

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I applied some red lipstick and some mascara. And put on my earrings.
"Bear! Bear! Where ar... " Alessandro's voice came from outside the door before his jaw dropped when Scar opened. His eyes turned a shade darker when he roamed them all over my body shamelessly. He quickly stalked towards me in his sharp Armani suit, looking sexy as ever. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to him pretty roughly, i stumbled and held onto his broad shoulders.
He sunk his head on my neck.
"Did you just fucking sniff me?" i laughed.
He groaned and pampered kisses around my nape, "you smell so good, and i know you taste as good."
"Is Alex rubbing off on you or something?" i laughed again. And on cue, the dog ran to the room, grinning at me, wagging its tail happily. It was funny watching Sandro glaring at the dog.
The couple in the room laughed at him and we went down to the car. Sandro spanked me and i glared at him and yelped, "behave!"
He grinned, "no promises!"

The moment we got in and that incredible smell had me eyeing the food table. I grabbed Sandros arm and rushed towards the table filled with cholate, chocolate cakes, chocolate fingers, chocolate dipped strawberries, every thing chocolate. Heck, even a chocolate fountain.
Sandro walked along laughing, "i keep forgetting that the way to your heart is straight through your stomach."
I grinned and shoved him playfully, picking a plate. And packed it with everything chocolate.
I munched on chocolate dipped strawberries and moaned, "i love this shit."
He kissed me and whispered, "let's see how much I'll love it too when i eat it off of your tight little cunt."
I stiffened.
No.... No..
You can't think things like that right now...
I pictured him in between my legs, eating the chocolate from my cunt and i was getting wet. I had to do something.
He put my plate down and said I'd eat later, first we had to dance. As we headed to the dance flow, the song, Love me like you do, started playing.
I placed my hands on his shoulders and he placed his on my waist, and pulled me imposibly closer than i was before, my head leaning on his chest, hearing how fast his heart was beating, at least i wasn't the only one with a beastly heart.
I felt his pants printing on my dress.
"I could take you right here on one of these tables," he groaned in my ear.
I pulled away enough to look him in the eye and smirked, "you're bluffing. You wouldn't dare let another man look at my body."
He stopped and laughed alittle before he dipped his head and captured his lips with mine. I kissed him back with as much passion, digging my hands in his hair. He pulled away and groaned, "wanna go back?"
I nodded and let him pull me with him. One look at Scar and i put my head down in embarrassment. She mouthed that i was going to get some good dick, with a thumbs up. I think Sandro saw that because he laughed. At the door there was a mistletoe hanging on the door, i grabbed Alessandro by his suit jacket and pulled him in for a kiss, "Merry Christmas."
He kissed me deeper and murmured Merry Christmas in my mouth. He said he'd forgoten our coats,  he went back inside and told me he'd be back in a minute.
I rubbed myself for warmth as i waited for him to get our coats, arms engulfed me, "I missed you so much, Anna."
Everything in my body went rigid. My heart even skiped afew beats.

Hey y'all...
I've missed you guys..
Stick with me through the last few chapters of 'Cupcakes for love'

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