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"This journey started when i forced my way into your life again

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"This journey started when i forced my way into your life again. I knew i needed you in my life when you were there for me when it was not such a great time. You got to meet my little superman. And he told me you were the one. But i already knew that. But for him to make the stamp on it, i would be a fucking idiot not to be standing here, making you my wife. You are the one person i want to grow old with, i love you Gianna Valdez, I love you and i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," he vowed, little tears streaming from his eyes.

I kissed his hard hands, "Alessandro De Lucca, i don't know how i got lucky to have you in my life...
"I'm the lucky one!" he said.
"Shut up! It's my turn, you didn't think of that!" i glared and stuck my tongue out at him. The audience laughed.

"As i was saying, before my dear husband rudely interrupted me, Of course you are the lucky one to have me. But i am lucky to have a family who love me and given to me by you. I love you and i love our kids. And for the rest of my life, I'd rather spend with you than anyone else in the whole world. I commit myself to you and i promise to love you unconditionally, Mr. De Lucca," i vowed.

Blah blah blah. "... You may kiss your bride," i didn't waste anytime and lunged on Alessandro, smashing my lips on his. We hadn't seen eachother for two days and i was devastated, i had missed him, Mase too.
They apparently went to the "man cave" at Nathans house. And us girls stayed at his house. Except, Raphael stayed with me.

"You look like an angel!" he whispered in my ear, his hot breath brushing the hairs on my skin.
I smiled shyly and kissed his jaw, "you look like prince charming."

My dress was tight around my waist to my hips, and had abit of lace at the front and back

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My dress was tight around my waist to my hips, and had abit of lace at the front and back. At the front to basically tease the shit out of Alessandro and it seemed to work, the moment his eyes met mine, his gaze lowered and you could see him swallow hard, the images in his brain going to overdrive.

And he, looked like a snack in his blue suit that fit him perfectly and the sexy grin playing on his lips

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And he, looked like a snack in his blue suit that fit him perfectly and the sexy grin playing on his lips. Just remarkable.

"Let's get out of here!" he whispered in my ear as we danced to the beats of the song.
"Let this song end first, you naughty boy. You have me for the rest of forever," i leaned into him and lay my head on his chest. Listening to the beat of his heart.
"But i want you now. The things this dress is doing to me right now," he groaned, pulling me closer to him. I felt the hard shaft in his pants.
"Are you hard right now?!" i acted shocked, whispering at him.
"Why not? You are the one teasing me with his sexy dress that i want to rip off of you," he bit his lip and i kissed him, releasing his lip.
"Guess what?" i whispered in his ear.
"What?" he croaked.
"I have lingerieon and no panties beneath," i breathed on his neck and boldly licked his earlobe, sucking lightly.
He threw his head back and groaned, pulling me more into him, "Stop teasing me like that or I'm going to punish you."
I kissed the corner of his mouth, and licked his lips, "make me!" "Gia i swe-"
"Okay! Can you two please keep it PG. I swear the whole audience has witnessed your very active sex life right now," Nate came just in time.
Jesus! I had forgotten we were in public.
I blushed hard and walked out of the dance floor. The older women looking at me with mischevious smiles.

3 years later......
   "Bear! Wake up! I made your favourite pancakes!" Alessandro kissed me on the lips and got off the bed, pulling the bed sheets with him.
What the fuck dude!
Let me sleep.

I grumpily got up and opened my eyes. Looking at the food on the tray, the aroma hit me and i was rushing to the toilet, spilling my guts out.
Alessandro followed quickly, "Honey! Is everything okay?"
He rubbed my back and held my curls up.
I shaked my head and looked up at him, smiling slightly.
Quickly i put my head back in the toilet and pucked. "Am i that ugly?" he joked.
He helped me up after i was done and walked me to the sink, leaning to the side looking at me. He squeezed the toothpaste on the brush and gave it to me.
"Could it be something you ate?" he asked.
I shaked my head no, brushing my teeth.
I spit, "I'll pass by the hospital on my way to the bakery."
"Let me get ready I'll take you," he pulled his shorts off and wiggled his eyebrows at me.
I rolled my eyes, getting in the shower with him, "only because i want to save water."
"Yeah. We should save lots of water," he pulled me into a kiss, his hand fumbling with the tap.

"Mrs. De Lucca," the nurse called, smiling widely .
Alessandro and i walked to the doctors office and sat waiting for the results.
"Congradulations, you two. You are going to be parents," the doctor said in a grin.
"I-I'm pregnant?" i asked.
She nodded.
I jumped on Alessandro, "I'm going to be a mom again!"
His grin matched mine, "I'm going to be a dad again."
"I love you Sandro!" i kissed him.
"You only love my cock!" he sneered.
The doctor chocked, "Christ! Can you not- just....  Please keep quiet."
Alessandro was not even embarassed, "how long is she doctor? Is my daughter fine? Dont give me that look. It's a girl."
"Both mother and daughter are perfectly fine. She is seven weeks already," she said.
"Congradulations again!" she said.
That night Alessandro and i did alot of celebrating for my pregnancy. After Raphael, i had difficulty getting pregnant again. There was no hope. This baby is my glint of hope. Aurora.

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I appreciate.

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