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My alarm blares aggressively and I whimper. WHY CANT I HAVE A LIE IN FOR ONCE?!

"Y/N!!! Y/N!!!" My mum screams, turning on the light.

I am blinded.


I am Not a morning person. Pulling on my ugly school uniform, I eat a satsuma, scatter some toasted crumbs onto a plate so that it looks like I ate and, swinging my backpack over my aching shoulder, leave the house.

Turning on my headphones, I hear Welcome To Dream pulsating through the lil speaker thingies. God I love their intros. My "intro" playlist must be on.

Correct guess.

Yes, I made a playlist for that-DONT JUDGE!!!

I hum along before dramatically dancing down the street to Boy Meets Evil by BTS, another on my Intro list.

My foot catches in the gutter and I trip, time slows as a roaring black chasm seems to open up beneath me like a gulping mouth. I swallow back a scream as I tumble headlong into some weird place which is fucking strange and only happens in those crappy fanfics like the ones by @AwesomeWriter17 therefore cannot be happening.

Then blackness invades my vision.

(A/N: hey guys! Sorry it's short and crappy. I'll honestly be surprised if anybody reads this. Ciao!)

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