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Wind chimes. This is beginning to seem like some sort of woodland hippy commute. The fir trees surrounding the clearing are tall and soft with fronds waving in the breeze and a lake of rippling water.

Mist forms above it and then suddenly...somebody appears.

Yoohyeon's PoV

I'm falling, into the water and screaming. The taunting metal chiming as my legs refuse to move and I stiffen in the icy current. My head goes under as I catch a glimpse of a girl, standing by the edge of the lake with a shocked expression. She's rooted to the spot and when I open my mouth to call her, I gurgle and choke on water.

"DAMI!" I shriek, climbing out of bed to scramble downstairs.


The rapper stirs me a hot milk and slides it in front of me, wrapping a blanket over my legs as I tell her about the dream I had.

"It was the same as usual. The falling and the drowning. But...there was someone watching me this time..."

Dami shrugs and wraps a supportive arm around my shoulder.
"It's weirdly spiritual but...I think this is a sign."

"Not everything is a sign."

"I know, I know, but my grandmother used to say that whenever my grandfather was near she could see everything in perfect colour and them rest of the time she was partially colourblind. The woman thought bananas were blue."

"I don't know..."

"And then my aunt, has a barcode on her wrist. A birthmark. She scanned it and it came up with her fiancé's name. You. This. It's not a coincidence Hyeonie~"

"Well. I. Um-"

"I think the person watching you was your soulmate." With that, she solemnly pats my shoulder and leaves me alone with my thoughts, the warm milk easing me back into the cradling arms of slumber.


Strong hands dig into my shoulders as I splutter on the salty water. Soon I can feel my heels scraping against damp shingle and I stand in the waist-deep water.

My eyes are watering so I scrub the burning salt from them and look at my rescuer. A girl. She cant be older than 18, with baby blue hair tucked under a tiara and a blue dress, which floats down her legs and reveals silk stockings with pink flowers curling round. There are also flower vines creeping down her arms and one of them blooms at the side of her neck.

Her hands release my shoulder and she speaks.

"My name is Y/N L/N. Are you okay?"

Sorry for the again shitty chapter. I promise a good one is coming soon

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