So... is it official?

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It had been a week since Pin got back from his trip and him and Zoe has never been closer. The only thought that ran through her mind was some thing similar to: Are we an official couple? They spent most of their time together and they constant went on hacks together, so there had to be something going on between them, right??

Becky walked over to ravens stable were Zoe was calmly grooming him whilst these thoughts ran through her mind.
" hey!" Becky said in her usual cheery voice.
"Hey becks, everything ok?" Her curly haired friend replied.
"Yeah but I have a question, well it's really just something me and jade have been wondering about for a while." The blonde said with an inquisitive look on her face
" Ok shoot."
" Well we were wondering, what's going on with you and Pin?"
"Um.... I don't really know honestly. We spend a lot of time together but I don't know if we're are dating yet."
"Ok we were just wondering :)" Becky said, she had a smile on her face that could suggest that she was up to something but Zoe wasn't really sure what.

Little did Zoe know that across the yard, a similar conversation was taking place. This conversation was between Jade and Pin.
" hey, listen I need to talk to you about something." Jade said very seriously, making Pin look at her curiously.
" ok, what's up?" The tall boy asked.
" Well, are you and Zoe dating?" Jade went straight to the point.
"Uh well the thing is, I want to ask her out but she's probably gonna say no." Pin replied with a slightly sad look in his eyes.
"You guys are basically always together so obviously she's gonna say yes! I think you should go right now and ask her out." Jade said very encouragingly.

Pin just nodded before walking out of the stables. He knew what he had to do and he couldn't let anyone take her away from him. Not this time. He walked straight over to ravens stable and gave himself a small pep talk, he could do it.

Taking a deep breath, pin knocked on ravens stable door and waited for Zoe, who was now alone, to reply. After hearing her say to come in, he slowly opened the door and sat next to her on the bench. She looked deep in thought and he hated to ruin her track of thought but this was really important.

Pin's POV
"hey, listen Zoe... I um.. n-need to talk to you". Holy shit did I just stumble over my words? Oh no this isn't going as I planned it.
Zoe looked confused for a second, she probably thought I just wanted to stay friends.
"I uh need to ask you something..." i continued talking wearily.
" ok?" Zoe had a sad look in her eyes but I didn't know why. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks.
" well I just wanted to know if you would be my girlfriend and make things official?" I asked her slowly but surely. I saw her face go through a roller coaster of emotions. First came confusion, then shock and then her eyes light up.
" of course, I would love to be your girlfriend." She said happily whilst hugging me tightly but comfortably.

In that moment I felt sorry happy. That was the first time I ever took jades advice and it's also the day 'zin' became official :)

A/N: I hope you guys like it, if you have any requests feel free to suggest! :)

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