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If I had been allowed to, I probably would have taken the next week after that ridiculous experience just to rest and recover, but I wasn't afforded that luxury. The very next day I had to be back in Magnolia, since the old man apparently had an instinctive trouble meter for me. I was torn between being impressed that he always seemed to know when I was about to get in trouble and being irritated that he was treating me like an untrustworthy dog that needed constant surveillance.

Thankfully, I wasn't forced to sit around staring at everyone else who was making plans to go on missions as there was plenty of construction that I could help with around the guild... Oh, joy. It was something to keep me occupied, but it was a rather terrible way since I spent most of the time avoiding the entire guild, as most of them simply couldn't stop staring at me, it was like I was a unicorn of some type.

I feel like that was a pretty accurate summary of my day, avoiding people, doing construction work here and there, and confronting the evesdropper from the other day.

Oh yeah, I did mention her, right? She had been there when Laxus and I had almost gotten into a fight and I had been sensing her presence on and off since the Phantom Lord incident. The feeling I got from her wasn't malevolent, so I ignored it for the most part until today. I was bored, her attention was only slightly on me, and I didn't want to deal with anyone else.

She was hiding in a pile of rubble that we had yet to get rid of when I decided to approach her (Which, coincidentally, lined up exactly with when most of the guild was taking their lunch breaks; there was absolutely no relationship in the timing. It certainly didn't have anything to do with the fact that the lion was back and had been trying to get me alone all day... Nope, not at all.), and her attention was on the perpetually naked icyman, so sneaking up on her was rather easy. 

I sat next to her and watched as the hearts in her eyes continued to grow the longer she watched him, "You know," I said casually, watching as she nearly jumped out of her skin, "Watching him won't make him take off more clothes."

The woman's face flushed as she realized what I was implying, "Juvia did not make him take off any clothes, that is not why Juvia is here! Juvia is not a pervert." I laughed quietly as the poor woman, who I was guessing was named Juvia continued to try and defend her honor.

"Calm down, I wasn't implying anything, Icyman does look like he has an okay body, so I can't blame you for practically drooling, and to make it worse he's been giving you a free striptease hasn't he? Maybe I was wrong, are you making him take off his clothes?" Her face continued to redden until I was afraid her face would explode there was so much blood in it. A small squeal was coming from her like a boiling teapot as she shook her hands frantically. I think I broke her.

Insert sadistic giggle here.

I allowed her to calm down slightly after that, sitting calmly and watching her seizure-like movements as she came to terms with my words, "Juvia... Juvia doesn't mean any harm... Juvia is not a pervert!"

The temptation to keep egging her on was incredibly hard to resist, but somehow I managed, "I know," My voice was indifferent as I looked towards the rest of the guild, all of whom seemed to be gathered around the lion rather than paying attention towards the commotion going on over in our corner, which was incredible. "If I had sensed that you posed a threat we would not be talking right now. I would've called you out the instant you showed up."

Obviously, I recognized her as the rain woman from Phantom Lord who helped Jose when he and I fought the first time. She seemed to be different though, not as somber and with a much smaller murder boner towards Fairy Tail, which was the key thing here.

"Do you not recognize Juvia?" She asked with a stammering voice, "Juvia attacked your guild, why would you not, 'call me out,' as you say?"

Valid question, but it was one that had a simple answer, "Because you have a different attitude now than you did then," I shrugged watching as the lion handed over what looked to be a bunch of tickets to the redhead, "Honestly, I can't exactly blame you for attacking us, it was under Jose's orders and he was a dick." My eyes wandered back over to the rain woman, who was watching me intently, "Besides, I can't say that you're any worse than me, so why in the world would I judge you if I've done shit that is a hundred times worse?"

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