Change Sucks

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Jellal 2.0's face after I finished my story was absolutely priceless, his jaw was practically touching the ground and no matter how much I chuckled, he looked as though he was a deer that jumped in front of a magic mobile.

"So... You stabbed  him?" His voice legitimately squeaked on the last word, " Even after you admitted to enjoying him?"

I nodded solemnly, a humorless grin on his face, "Well yeah, Someone was paying me to kill him, so I did, that idiot understood my predicament, he even helped me drive the knife home when I was struggling."

It took a moment, but eventually, Jellal 2.0 regain a small portion of his composure, "I... I see. The man you killed was a rather well-known figure in Edolas before he disappeared at the height of his career. I must admit that many of the pieces of my father's story never quite made sense... Thank you for telling me this."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes slightly that, "I didn't tell you that as a favor to you," I stood from my hunched over position on the ground and stretched. It was a wonderful feeling to no have so much magical pressure on me as I had been slowly adjusting to over the last week. Not that I couldn't feel anything, a weird sense had been growing on me for the last several minutes, as though something major was incoming.

Perhaps the Thunder Palace was getting ready to go off... Shit, I should probably start bracing myself, shouldn't I?

Jellal 2.0 pulled an apple out of his cloak and offered it to me, "I still don't see what that has to do with Laxus knowing about my identity." 

I shook my head and he shrugged, taking a bite of the apple as he waited for me to respond, "Oh... That's right," I muttered, I may or may not have completely forgotten why I was telling him any of that to begin with, "Well, I did research on all the members of the guild when I was forced to join, and as I was researching about you, your past came up blank... It took a ridiculous amount of time, but eventually, I was able to connect you with that guy from several years before. After that, it was a simple matter to guess where you had come from and connect the dots.

"Unfortunately, Laxus found my notes before I had a chance to burn them. He was interested in what I had said, and no amount of ignoring him would get him off my back, so I told him what had happened."

That unidentified feeling was getting to the point of actually bothering me now, it felt as though my magical immunity was trying to brush off something... Wait.

Without saying anything, I stood and walked a few steps away from Jellal 2.0, who was still absorbing what I told him, "Hey," I said quickly, trying to get some urgency into my voice. 

Jellal 2.0 looked up at me, though his expression quickly turned into one of shock as a yellow light began to envelop me, "I don't know how aware I'll be after this, so just bring me to Porlyusica and tell her I absorbed the Thunder Palace's discharge... She should be able to help."

He wasn't able to get anything out before I was completely surrounded by Laxus' magic. It was so strong that my magical immunity was immediately washed away, similar to how Jose's magic affected me. I probably would have thought about it more, but all of my brain function ceased the instant the majority of the lightning hit me. 

I was vaguely aware of a pained scream echoing around me, but for the most part, I was consumed by the feeling of lightning rushing through my veins.

My heart stuttered multiple as I struggled to keep breathing. Fireworks sparked behind my eyes as I could feel my blood struggle to go through me. Dimly I recognized the fact that I fell to the ground, my legs unable to bear my weight as my body convulsed and my teeth sunk into my tongue, drawing blood.

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