Actions have Consequences

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Super important Authors note at the bottom. You don't have to read, but don't come crying to me when you don't understand what's going on.


The world was slow to return to focus as I drifted back into consciousness, it was so great... 

My body felt as though it had been pounded into with a jack hammer and while my memories were pretty foggy, I was honestly surprised that I was waking up at all. I remembered enough to know the basics of why I felt like complete and utter shit.

A shudder ran down my spine as I remembered the pain that ran through me in waves... It was so  bad that even now my breath caught in my throat as I tried to breath past the panic that was slowly killing me. I knew it would suck, but that... That was the worst pain I had ever experienced. 

Which was saying a lot.

Acting on instinct, my body curled in on itself as I struggled to keep breath moving through my lungs as quietly as possible. My hands moved up to my head where they entwined in my hair as I struggled. I could feel my heart hammering out an uneven rhythm as sharp pain began to echo from my head.

There was just to much to focus on, my clothes that hugged my skin tightly were just too much to bear and the already overwhelming feeling of hearts beating nearby was enough to send me over the edge.

A sharp whine ripped itself from my throat as I shook.

I could feel my heartbeat slowing all over again... It was just like when Ivan had been pulling at my magic...

Last time I just allowed it passively to stop... Would that happen again?

Why did it restart to begin with?

I was in so much pain... I didn't want to come back... After everything that had happened... How could I come back?

What idiot would save a mass murderer like me?

A calming smell seemed to seep into my mind as I writhed on the floor, desperate for some form of anchor... 

Where was my anchor?

Was he still alive?

Something was forcing my heart to calm down without my permission as that smell continued to dance through the chaotic halls of my mind. It was...

This was...

"Porlyusica," I gasped out, finally my eyes opened fully for the first time since Ivan's procedure started.

A bony hand slapped my cheek lightly as I attempted to make my brain catch up to the situation, "What are you thinking, you idiot? I just got your heart started again, having a panic attack right now could kill you." She was fuzzy and out of focus, but there was no mistaking the amount of distain she was displaying.

"Wh-Whats... What's the pr-problem wi... With th-that?" I managed to get out past my clenched teeth and jaw that refused to stop shaking.

A fuzzy bundle of green was shoved back under my nose, causing me to reel back slightly as the scent that pulled me out of my panic attack returned, "Well, I've obviously put far too much effort into you to let you die now, haven't I?"

Normally, I would have chuckled as I brushed off her harsh words, but my brain really wasn't in the right place, "I-is he... He alive?" The shaking increased for a moment as my mind tried to sweep around the room, looking for any other heart beat.

"You can calm down, he's fine. Though that would have been a different story if I had come in any later then I did." The tension that had built up quickly in my gut dissipated faster than it came as I allowed myself to relax against the floor with a happy groan, "I suppose it's fortunate that Ivan is as thorough as he is, his attention to detail saved his son's life. I don't like giving that man any credit, but  I suppose this time it's rather necessary."

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