Hanahaki Disease

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I don't know how it happened or even when, but I started coughing up Black colored Roses. At first, it was Gloxinia flowers then it was Yellow Tulips after that it was Hyacinth. Now Black Roses.

I didn't understand why this was happening, so I decided to search it up. My eyes widen as I looked at the answer to my question. I couldn't believe that this was happening to me. How? Why? When?!

All of these questions went through my mind, but the most important question was:

"Who started this?"

In case you don't know, The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals.

The problem is I don't know who is responsible for it. It could be anyone, but it isn't that important right now. I have to go to school.


As I'm walking to school, I encounter Todoroki. "Hey Todo-" I was interrupted by coughing. I put my hand over my mouth. As soon as I felt like I wasn't dying, I looked at my hand to make sure it was just a regular cough.

My eyes widen.

There was a Red and White rose petal on the palm of my hand.

'It's Todoroki.'

"Midoriya, are you okay?" I quickly hide the rose petal as Todoroki walked up to me. "Yeah! I'm fine!" I gave him a wide smile. "Right." He spoke with a hint of suspicion.

Todoroki: Bathroom





Those were the only words that went through my mind as I was hunched over the toilet bowl. I couldn't stop coughing up petals.

It burned.

So much.

Just then I heard the bathroom door slam open. I tried to keep quiet until they left. Unfortunately they entered the stall next to mine, I look at their shoes to see the unforgettable red shoes I was familiar with.


He began coughing.

A few days ago, I found out who was my one sided lover.

It was Midoriya.

But I know I'm not his.

"Midoriya! Are you okay?" I recognize that voice.

It's Iida.

"Y-yeah. I ju-"

He was interrupted by more coughing.

"You are not okay!"

"I'm f-fine!"

"You're throwing up petals!"

"I'll get over it."



"Midoriya, you have to forget about him."


"I can't!"


"Because I love him!"

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