Chapter Six - Healing

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David's Point of View

Max was staring at me with a forced smile.

I was surprised he was here, and surprised he knew where I was.

But most of all, his appearance was most surprising.

He had bruises on his face, a black eye, a busted lip, and dark circles under his tired eyes. His arms and legs were shaking and he looked as if he was about to drop dead.

"Max!" I said in surprise as I led him inside and to the couch, however he fell to his knees, groaning in pain.

   "Max . . ." I said, panicking. I scooped him up and put him on the couch. "What happened?!" I took his bag and put it next to the sofa.

"I . . . went to . . ." He started, but he was talking slowly.

"Wait, okay, shush." I said, kind of panicking. "Tell me later. Are you hurt anywhere else?"

He nodded. "Where?"

"Arms and stomach." He said.

"Can I see?"

He nodded and took his hoodie off. I just noticed dark red stains on the arms of his hoodie as he was taking it off, and when it was off, I saw the cause. His arms were full of open wounds. He lifted his shirt a bit to show a big bruise.

My eyes widened at what I saw. "Stay here." I said, and he nodded. I rushed to the bathroom and grabbed rubbing alcohol, bandages, and some pain medicine, then some water.

I went back to Max, and started by giving him the pain pill, which he took. After, I washed his wounds, which he winced to. I grabbed a towel and soaked some rubbing alcohol on it.

"This is going to sting." I said.

"I'm fine. It's fine." He mumbled. He looked so tired. And thin.

I dabbed it on the gashes, which, luckily, weren't deep or big enough for stitches. Just proper cleaning and bandaging was necessary.

He hissed in pain, but kept still.
Poor kid.

After, I bandaged everything up and put everything away, then came back.

Max seemed to be struggling to stay awake. His arms and legs were still shaking.

"Max?" I said. He looked at me, eyes half closed.

"Max?" I asked again. "You're tired."

"N-no I'm not, i-idiot." He replied. Well, he's still the same Max.

"Yes you are, Max." I said, more sternly. "You should sleep. You can tell me everything when you wake, okay?"

"Fine." He said. "I'm sleeping here, though." He said, laying on the couch.

"If you're more comfortable there, okay." I said. I went and fetched a blanket, and when I came back, he was out cold. I smiled and placed the blanket over him.

After, I called Gwen.

"Sup." She said when she answered.

"Gwen, something happened." I said.

"What? Are you okay?" She asked, concern lacing her words.
"Max is with me." I said.

"What? The shit head? How? Why?"

"He just showed up at my house, Gwen." I said. "And--"


"He was hurt. Badly. He had cuts and bruises, and looked as if he hasn't eaten or slept in days!" I said, choking up.

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