Chapter 10: Shocked

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When my eyes came to, I heard Harry's voice say, "Finally up, sleepy head. Slept long enough?"

I rubbed my eyes and backfired, "Shush it, Harry, I was tired." Everyone laughed, and I soon laughed along and then stretched. Ron asked, "Why weren't you in your classes, Miranda? Everyone was looking for you this morning." I asked, kind of shocked, "Really?" Hermione nodded her head in response to me. She added in, "Yes, and it looked like Professor Snape was wondering where you were, too, during Potions. He was acting quite abnormal for some unknown reason." I guess it must be closer towards lunchtime now, judging by Hermione's response. So, I missed some classes yesterday and again this morning. Great, I can only imagine what kind of rumors are going around about me by now. And what kind of record I'm starting to set for myself since my smartness was just like Hermione in a way.

But yet everyone knows that she's the brightest witch for her age.

I also can most likely guess why they noticed that he was acting slightly abnormal because I know something that they don't in regard to what happened. But if I don't tell them the truth, they'll know something's wrong or happened. After hearing their responses, I looked down as they stared at me with concerned looks. I couldn't tell them the truth, no way. I'm not ashamed to admit it; just extremely shy. I watched Harry sit on the bed next to me, but I didn't move. Harry lifted my head up to ask, "Miranda, did something between you and Snape yesterday? Or is there something you're not telling us?" I nodded my head, not being able to say anything more. "What happened, Miranda," Hermione asked. I sighed, "You guys promise not to tell anyone this at all? This's strictly supposed to stay between me and Severus and my friends--"

They all said at the same time, "Yes, we promise!" I giggled slightly, "Okay, okay. Well, to make it easier, instead of explaining everything, you guys know I went to talk to Severus after breakfast yesterday. Well, let's just say that, long story short, I lost my you-know-what to him. And please don't bash me. I know it was wrong for a student and a teacher to go that far because of the age gap and all...but we both wanted it." They all gasped and looked shocked---for a minute, the three of them couldn't really say anything to me. Ron finally said, "Bloody hell, Miranda, are you serious about this?" "Yes, I'm as serious as I can be about it, Ron. I'm sorry; I don't know what became over us; it just happened, and I can't take it back. I don't even want to take it back because of the certain feelings that are growing with him now. It somehow felt right. I can't explain it."

I looked down, completely embarrassed, admitting this to my best friends for being afraid of being judged too harshly. After all, we're all only fourteen years old, starting really to change older and have crushes and stuff. It's easy to feel confused, ashamed, and even conflicted. Harry came closer to me, and I felt him grab my hand, "Is that why you stayed here, Miranda? Because you've been feeling a little ashamed and confused?" I nodded my head as tears formed in my eyes without knowing. Ron and Hermione sat close to me, too, as they all started to comfort me. I said in between tears, "I also just had this absolutely horrible headache from all the candy I had last night." They nodded their heads as they looked like they wanted me to continue talking.

They watched me as I continued, "But I'm sorry, you guys, we got lost in the moment, and he never rejected me, so we went along. And yes, before you say anything, we were cautious. He made sure that I wanted to go through with the whole thing before it went too far. At the end of it all, he seemed to want it just as much as me deep within." Harry tried to reassure me, "Miranda, you don't have to apologize; it will happen to us someday anyway. Try not to worry about it; everyone makes mistakes." I got up off of my bed and said, "This wasn't a mistake at all, Harry. I made the bold move that started it all, and I...I wanted to go that far...with our Potion's teacher." "Miranda, it's okay. I'll admit that it's a bit awkward and weird, but if you feel that way about him, then it was a moment that was meant to be," Hermione chimed in, trying to reassure me.

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