🎄 Krismas headcanons special 🎄

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(As requested. Or not. Becuz nobody requested it. But I included requested characters. So yeah. Enjoy the late headcanons.)

(Ps.: Kris might have more headcanons but it's because I started writing his before the holidays.)


- Although he doesn't seem very excited at first, Kris actually loves Christmas. (Unironically, because, you know, his name and all.)

- He can and will tell random Christmas puns just to make you laugh.

- He's gonna decorate the tree with anything and everything he finds. Not just normal ornaments. Once you find chocolate wrapping stuck between two twigs and you're just. Confused. Like. How.

- Loves gingerbread monsters/humans(?), as long as he doesn't have to make them himself. Luckily, Miss Toriel makes you two some and they're delicious.

- Talking about her, she makes the best hot choco you've ever tasted.

- Doesn't normally sing Christmas songs by himself, but if you start humming some classic tunes then he'll sing along.

- 1000% will start a snowball fight randomly when given the chance. They never get too serious but if you manage to knock him out you'll laugh maniacally. You just can't help it.

- Do you want to build a snowmaaaaaaan but it's him who asks you to build one with him. You name it [insert short and sweet snowman name] and it stays in his mom's garden until the snow melts.

- If seen a mistletoe, he will not stop until he gets you to stand under it. Or stands there himself, but that backfired once when his mom saw him waiting there before you did and... well.

- *le smooching intensifies*

- His school holds a Christmas party for the students and the teachers (but mostly the students) in the gym. When you hear about that you get really really really excited, despite being antisocial, so you two go to the party together.

- You actually have plenty of fun, chatting with his friends and singing along to the songs played.

- Somebody spiked the punch (I think you can guess who) as a prank and now a few people got a bit drunk. Including Kris. You didn't drink from it so you were fine, aside from the normal amount of discomfort created by the situation.

- I mean, he didn't act that weird... you guess. Pretty unusual convos happened, though.

- „Hey (Y/N)... I like your butt..."

- „Um, okay, sure..."

- „It's a really nice butt..."

- Yeah, you were pretty sure you'd never forget about this year's Holidays.

- You had to call Toriel to pick her no-good son up since he lost his phone.

- Next day you and Kris agreed to not bring up that night ever again. But overall, you enjoyed your first "Krismas" with your boyfriend.


- Oh boy, this bean LOVES Christmas. Very much.

- He decorates the entire castle (not correct, he makes the guards decorate the entire castle since he can't do much of it by himself) with a bunch of green branches, ornaments, candles, candies (but he eats them so they end up "mysteriously" disappearing after a single day).

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