Looking him in his eyes, I understood what Aladdin meant; a whole new world. I knew being with him would change me, my life as a whole. And I wasn't scared. I was happy actually. Hoping that he would do good by me.The only thing standing in our way is the future, my plans of going off to college, moving away, getting older and experiencing more. It's just unfortunate that we are different ages. Everyone can see how special he is to me. And it actually sad that someone that I actually like and want to experience stuff with I can't.
Im bout to be grown and he's still just a teen. He doesn't age so immature all the time. We both act actually mature with each other but I think it's just the timing of us. And I want it to just be chance and not but at the same time, I want to try everything in my power to try and stay with him.
I'm actually just scared, of getting to hooked on him more than I'm already am. It's just so scary to think that we can have something so amazing but it be ruined just because of time.
Then it's really family too. Like his family might not really like or care for me too much. To be quite honest, I'm not one of the best people in looks, in money but I am a amazing person. It's just that we are too different races is all. And that's a struggle all in itself.
I'm just fucked either way. I want to ignore my feelings, him. To not get close, to talk and look at him but I can't help it. Can't help want him. When he smiles, it's one of the most amazing things I have ever seen in my life. I just am so addicted to it. I just want him to smile for the rest of my life and never stop.
He's just so.....him. Maybe it's just the chemicals in my head but I like it. I like him. Well lusting over him for sure. He's pretty amazing. That's all I can say really.
Short Stories
CasualeJust bunch of amazing stories that is just hanging in the left wing. They just stuff that has meaning but no real story.