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Tony's POV

Cath is still sleeping. When the doctors had said she had amnesia my heart sunk. If she had amnesia then how does she remember my name? But not our relationship, everything we had. It's all gone now. I just want my Cath back.

If that storm didn't happen- if she wasn't worried about me in my car sleeping, she wouldn't be in this situation and it's all my fault.

I called Malcolm. "Hey Mal, could you meet me somewhere?"

"Yea Tony, where?" He replies

"The hospital?"

"Crap Tony. I'll be right there" Mal said

Malcolm probably thought I was hurt. But I wasn't. The love of my life was hurt. I remember Cath would always come to my place and watch movies with Malcolm and I and we'd do karaoke. We had the best time.

- -

I meet Malcolm at the front doors of the hospital, "hey thanks for making it" I say

"Tony! Glad you're ok, what happened?"

All I had to do was give him a look and he knew immediately.

We sat in the hospital cafe and talked about the storm and what had happened to Cath, I explained how Cath had amnesia. She was completely fine just remember anything. I didn't mention when she yelled at me. Of corse I loved her and I knew she loved me.

"I want to see her" Mal said.

"Hopefully she's awake, let's go" we grab our coffee and head up stairs.

I knock on the door and a nurse lets me in.

I sit down next to Cath and her eyes half open.

"Ba-um Cath, hey Mal's here" I say as Malcolm sits on the other side of her.

"Malcolm? Hey" Cath says, "Tony I'm feeling fine can we just leave?"

"Why do you want to leave so quick?" I ask.

"This place gives me the creeps. I just want to leave." Cath says.

"Ok, I'll go talk to your doctor. Mal, you stay here?"

"Yea I got her" Malcolm replies.

I speak to the doctor and he says he needs to give her one more check up before he lets us go.

After he's finished he said "alright, y'all are free to go." Then adds in a whisper, "Tony just stay near her. Don't leave her sight"

I nod and we leave.

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