Marry me?

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3rd POV

Kaminari's phone vibrates. He picks it up to see its a text from Sero.

Meme Lord 1.0: Yo Kami! Wanna get free food? I have a plan

Meme Lord 2.0: Yes. Just. Yes. What's the plan

Meme Lord 1.0: I'll tell you in person, get ready and meet me in the main room

Meme Lord 2.0: K dude! See ya

Kaminari chooses to wear a pair of black jeans which are ripped at the knees, a yellow top that says: 'How shocking!' and a red and white patterned flannel around his waist. He brushes his hair, grabs his phone and closes his dorm room to go meet Sero.

Kaminari gets to the main room to see Sero wearing dark blue jeans and a black top with a black denim jacket. "Yo! Sero! What's the plan then?" Kaminari questions, confused of how they're getting free food. Sero puts his phone in his pocket and takes out a red velvet box. "Sero! Oh my! I cant believe it's happening!" Kaminari jokes, laughing at the fake proposal idea. "Well, it's one way to get food when you have no money!" Sero adds, puting the ring back in his pocket. Kaminari laughs, "Let's go! I'm starving!"

Once they arrive at the restaurant, Sero and Kaminari get seated in one of the booths. "I can't believe we're actually doing this!" Kaminari says in a hushed whisper. "I know right!" Sero reply's, "So, you ready?" He asks the blonde. "Of course! Let's do it!" Kaminari responds as his stomachs rumbles. They both laugh and Sero slides out of the booth and clears his throat, causing some of the workers and customers to look at him. Sero kneels down, pulling the ring out of his pocket. Kaminari fake gasps and slides out of the booth to stand in front of Sero. Kaminari, being the extra person he is, produces some fake tears. "Kaminari Denki, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, I love you with all my heart. Will you do the honours of marrying me?" Sero's 'proposal' makes a few of the customers and workers tear up, the whole restaurant waiting for Kaminari's answer. "YES! YES! OH MY GOD YES!" Kaminari fakes excitement and pulls Sero in for a kiss to make it believable. Sero wasn't expecting that so at first he's surprised, he then realises Kaminari's intentions and kisses him back. The restaurant irrupts into clapping and cheering for the two 'engaged' men. They break the kiss and smile at each other, sitting back down. "That was too easy," Sero comments, speaking quietly so no one but Kaminari can hear. Kaminari chuckles, "Not even gonna lie bro, you're a good kisser," he winks and they both spot a waiter walking up to them. "Hello! For the special occasion, your meal here tonight will be on the house! What can I get you two on this fine evening!" The waiter smiles at them, happy for their 'engagement'. They order and the same waiter brings them out their food and beverages then congratulates them and walks away. They finish eating and walk out of the restaurant. Once they step out of the doors, they burst into laughter. "I CANT BELIEVE THAT WORKED!" Sero wheezes. "SAME! THAT WAS PRICELESS!" Kaminari agrees.

*2 months later*

Kaminari and Sero started to do that often, in different restaurants. Whilst doing so, catching feelings for each other. As they both had giant crushes on each other, they started to act like a couple unknowingly. They never ACTUALLY got together thinking that the love was one-sided, even though the whole class of 1-A would say they would make an adorable couple. They were both content the way they were. That was until that one night.

Kaminari and Sero walk to another restaurant, ready to gain another free meal. "Sero, you okay bro? You seem really tense today," Kaminari asks, worried for his best friend and crush. "I'm fine Kami, I'm just tired. Stayed up all night studying," Sero bluffs. They walk into the restaurant hand-in-hand. Not for the fake proposal and free food, not that they would admit it though. They take a table and do the same routine they always did, but this time it was different. Sero stands up and pulls out the box like usual and Kaminari acts shocked, preparing the fake tears of joy. This time Sero doesn't do the classic 'I love you, marry me' speech. "Kaminari Denki. I may have never wanted to admit it before, but you are the one for me. You complete me. We may be young and dumb but I truly believe that this is true love. I'll say it now and if you want me to, I'll say it over and over. I love you. Now please, make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Kaminari stands there shocked. Not fake shock anymore. Real, genuine shock. It wasn't until a minute later he realises he has to answer. "Yes!" Sero stands up, smiling like a goof and Kaminari jumps into his arms, embracing him in a bone-crushing hug.

Once they get out of the restaurant, Sero pulls Kaminari towards a park. "Sero! What's going on!" Kaminari asks, laughing. "Just close your eyes and trust me!" Sero replies. Kaminari does as Sero asks and closes his eyes. The taller male pulls him a little bit further then stops making him loose his balance slightly. "And open," Sero says, referring to Kaminari's eyes. He does as the black haired boy says and gasps lightly. They're on a path, trees lining it either side, all symmetrical. There's fairy light hanging on the trees and at the end of the path there's a hill with a Sakura tree in bloom on top. Under the Sakura tree lays a beautiful picnic set up. "S- Sero..." Kaminari  looks at his crush to see him red faced from running and smiling widely. Kaminari flushes, pink dusting his cheeks lightly. "Come on!" Sero shouts, running ahead of Kaminari towards the Sakura tree. He looks at the black haired boy running and realises how much this person means to him. Kaminari snaps out of his trance and runs after Sero. They get to the tree and Sero grabs Kaminari by the shoulders, turning the blonde to face him. "Kami..." the taller male starts, shifting uncomfortably. "Yes?" Kaminari asks, his breath hitting the neck of the flustered boy in front of him. Sero flushes even more, not knowing that was possible. Suddenly, Sero moves and looks over into the distance behind the tree and puts his thumb up, making Kaminari confused. "Sero, what are you-" Kaminari is cut off by a soft music playing. "Okay," Sero says to himself, trying to calm his breathing. He grabs the blonde by his hands and holds them. Kaminari flushes a red, noticing how close he was to his crush and how intimate that small action is. "Denki, remember at the restaurant, the speech I said?" Sero asks.
"Yes? Why?" Kaminari questions back. "Don't worry. Just making sure..." he pauses before staring again, "I really did mean everything I said." He pauses letting Kaminari process the sentence, knowing the smaller male well enough to realise it might take him a few seconds to do so. "I-" Kaminari goes to say something before stopping abruptly. "Well, actions speak louder than words," Kaminari whispers, almost inaudible. He removes his hands from Sero's grasp and grabs his face, kissing him softly. This kiss is different from the fake proposal ones. This one had meaning. This one had a real purpose. Sero decides to try and deepen the kiss by licking Kaminari's bottom lip. He succeeds once the smaller male opens his mouth slightly, letting him enter. After a few seconds, they part to breathe and lean on each other's foreheads, smiling wide. "I- woah," Sero tries. "Yeah..." Kaminari counters. Only then they realise the music has stopped. Sero pulls out the ring they used every single time to get free food, gets on one knee and smiles the brightest smile Kaminari has ever seen and asks the question, "Denki, will you make me the happiest person on the earth and date me?" Kaminari let's out real tears, holding his mouth in real shock. He looks at Sero and shouts into his hands, "YES YOU BIG GOOF! I LOVE YOU!" Then the blonde breaks down into sobs of joy, letting out all his emotion. Sero grabs Kaminari's free hand and puts the ring on his finger. "Promise ring," Sero states, in-casing the blonde in a hug. They stay like that for a while until Kaminari calms down and they make their way back to the dorms.

They walk in to see Kirishima and Bakugou cuddling, watching a movie. "Hi Kami, Sero," Kirishima says, turning to look at them. "Woah! What happened to Kami?" He asks the pair. To respond, Kaminari shows Kirishima the ring and snuggles further into Sero's chest. "It's about time you two idiots stopped pinning and got together," Bakugou says, unfazed. His red haired boyfriend on the other hand, was shocked. "OH MY GOD! CONGRATS!" Kirishima screams, gaining a few shouts from the others in the building. "Whoops! Well anyways, congratulations!" He finishes. "Thank you," The blonde and black-haired boy say simultaneously. They laugh it off and walk towards Sero's dorm.


This is my second book, my first one is a Bakushima/Kiribaku one shot book. Check it out if you like the ship! Anyways, thanks for reading!


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