3:37AM On A Sunday Morning

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Kaminari laughed as he not-so-stealthily snuck around the side of Kirishima's house, he was bored and felt like disturbing his red headed friend at - 02:41 in the morning - to go out to the lake. He got to Kirishima's window at the side of his house and began to gather small pebbles in his hands ready to chuck them at his friends window. It may seem like a cliché romance movie but his relationship with the other boy was strictly friendship, plus he didn't want Bakugou's pining ass after his head. He chucked the first pebble up to the window, missing it which made him groan in annoyance. The second, third and forth try had the same outcome but the fifth one finally landed on the centre of the window. As did the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth. A shadow began to appear in the window. A shadow which was too tall to be his friend. "Fuck," the blond whispered under his breath. As the window opened, he began to silently pray the mystery person wouldn't be mad. "Hello?" The voice, which obviously belonged to someone around his age - this made Kaminari let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding - sounded out, "Is anybody there?" The mystery person began to scan the area near his window, spotting the blond. "Hey, why're you chucking rocks at my window?" The boy said. Kaminari was able to see his face clearly now and the only thing he could think was 'goddamn, this guy is hot'. Kaminari realised he had been staring and shook himself out of his shock enough to answer the male. "I'm sorry. I- uh... Thought it was my friends house." This made the raven haired male chuckle and look down at him. "If it's the red head you're after, the house is behind you." The mystery boy pointed out, chucking something at the other window, hitting it first try. "Oh, uh- yeah. T-thanks?" Kaminari stuttered out, embarrassment evident in his voice. The other window opened, a red head poking out of it, looking across at the mystery boy. "Sero? Why're you up?" The groggy voice of Kirishima sounded out. Sero laughed in a way Kaminari would only be able to describe as heavenly. "List your friends. Now, shark boy." The boy, now known as Sero, joked. As the red head began to list his friends, Sero's gaze switched to the blond in his front garden. "Well there's Mina, Bakugou, Jirou, I don't know why you want to know at- 2:54 in the morning, Kaminari," The blond let out a squeak when he heard his name, burying his head in his hands as he felt the burn of the raven haired boys stare on his back. "Oh so you're Kaminari. Great. Now care to explain to Kirishima here why you're chucking rocks at my window?" Sero asks. Kirishima looked puzzled as he was stopped midway through his list. "I was bored..." Kaminari admitted, words muffled by his hands. "woAH WOAH WOAH! KAMINARI YOU SON OF A PIKACHU WHY ARE YOU HERE! That's it I'm coming over. SERO GET YOUR LANKY BUTT OUTSIDE!" Kirishima announced, closing his window to travel to where Kaminari stood. Sero laughed again, "Well done, pretty boy. You made the guy go mum mode," he stated, copying Kirishima. Sero's words didn't quite register in Kaminari's head until a while later.

"Okay, explain." All eyes were on the blond as they sat on the sofa inside Kirishima's house. The red head dragged Kaminari into the house, Sero trailing behind - laughing at the scene. "I was bored... And I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to the la-"
"At 3AM. Kami are you fricking serious?" The red head interupted. Sero looked as if he was about to explode into fits of laughter. His cheeks were puffed up as his face began to go red due to the lack of oxygen. His hand was placed over his mouth and his other arm was rapped around his stomach. 'Like that's gonna help him' the blond retorted in his mind. "Kaminari. My bro. My buddy. My dude. Why in the world would you think I would want to be woken up at 3AM to go to the lake with you?" When Kirishima put it that way, it made the blond look dumb. And that he was, but that went unspoken. "I'm sorry- oh my god if he doesn't stop making that face I'm gonna yeet him off your roof." That's what made the raven haired male burst. He let out all of the held in breath in one go, laughter bubbled out of his mouth as he gasped for air. Kaminari began to pout to show his disapproval but that just made it all the more hilarious to the other, who was wheezing with a red face. Kaminari's pout began to disappear as he started to laugh with Sero, at first only a small laugh which progressed into a full blown laughing fit. Kirishima sighed - done with his friends - as he grabbed his phone to text his crush for help. As the two finally settled down, they shared brief eye contact. It was then Kaminari realised how breathtaking the other man was (Keanu Reeves who?) and flushed a deep red before looking away. "Are you two done? I'd like to get back to my sleep and Bakugou isn't happy I woke him up." Kaminari made a noise of disagreement before protesting against the red head. "He's never mad at you cause he lo-" he stopped himself before he outed his friend, "looks at you like a best friend!" He said instead and congratulated himself on the 'nice save'.

Sero glanced at Kaminari as his mind went off into a tangent. He wouldn't lie and say the blond was ugly since he was quite the opposite. His off-blond hair suited him well and his bright golden eyes were captivating to say the least. Sero thought the boy was quite handsome and if it weren't for him interrupting his late night Reddit browsing, he would've asked for his number. Kaminari's personality didn't seem quite different to his own and the more he thought about it, the more he began to question why Kirishima never introduced him to the other before. He'd been living next door to the red head for several years and knew all of his friends quite well, the same going for Kirishima and Sero's friends. For example, Sero had met Bakugou numerous times and Mina every so often but he'd never even saw a photo of the blond who's now staring back at him male. Sero blinked a few times before flushing crimson and hurriedly averting his attention to his hands, which were placed on his lap. "Okay now it was nice seeing you but I really need my sleep and I would like it if you would both, you know, leave my house?" Kirishima started, standing up and walking towards the door to let the two others out. They followed Kirishima's request and walked out, brushing each other's hand accidentally on their way.

"I'm sorry again," Kaminari apologised for the 69th time. Sero sighed as he leaned on the door frame of his front door. "It's fine," he stated and fished his phone from out of his pocket, tapping on the screen before continuing, "But you could take me out to lunch as a sorry?" The raven haired boy handed his phone to the other, the contacts app up with a blank spot for a number to be put in. He added his number and went to hand the phone back when he noticed the name he was soon-to-be saved as. 'Pretty boy'. Kaminari flushed as he remembered Sero calling him that earlier. Sero reached out to take his phone back from the blond causing him to flush even more as the raven haired boy's hand brushed his. Kaminari rushed out a small "Bye Sero," before turning on his heel and walking home. No one could guess that all this happened at 3:37AM on a Sunday morning.

Authors Note:
Yo hi I'm back again. I'm just gonna rant for a second so if you don't care then just skip this. I hate joining new fandoms too late. I've just started watching Haikyu and I'm literally years late to it. Okay small rant over. Now I just wanna day how much I love this fandom and the people in it. Everyone is so kind and funny. For example, the comments on some of my story's have made me laugh so much to the point I'm wheezing and the kindness I get is overwhelming. So if you're reading this, thank you so so so much for reading and/or commenting and voting. You make my day that small bit brighter so thank you for that as well!

~ L

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