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3rd POV

Sero watched as his blonde best friend failed to flirt with a girl from class 1-b. Kendou if he could remember correctly. Kaminari had always flirted with every girl he met, it was how he worked, even though he'd get slapped and/or punched every time. Sero was supposed to be used to it by now but he couldn't shake away the pain it brought him to watch his crush flirt with others.  He would always feel his heart ache whenever he saw it happening.

Sero watched again as Kaminari tried to flirt with Jirou. His heart pounded in his chest and his eyes became glassy. He couldn't deal with the pain much longer. He knew he had to ignore the blonde. It was the only way to get rid of his feelings. So he went through with it.

When Kirishima invited him to the park the next day, he didn't realise it would be with Kaminari as well. He walked into the common room with a surprisingly peaceful Bakugou where Kirishima said he would meet them. He saw the blonde he was trying to ignore talking to the red head he was meeting. Once he noticed Sero, he smiled brightly and waved. Sero averted his eyes quickly and ignored the gesture. The blonde's smile fell but he shook it off and greeted Bakugou.

On the drive down, Kirishima noticed how the black haired male would completely blank the yellowish blonde. He would watch as Kaminari frowned and dejectedly stared out of his window. He noticed the raven haired males downcast eyes and light frown. Kirishima began to wonder what happened between the two. It was then that he decided to keep an eye on them.

Once they arrived, Kaminari suggested to walk through a nature trail a few minutes away from where they planned to go. Sero, again, blanked him as the other 2 males agreed. Walking down the path, Kaminari made several attempts of conversation with the black haired male before sighing and giving up. Kirishima watched the 2 as they stole glances at each other, both upset and missing the other even though they were walking beside them. Kirishima smiled pitifully at Kaminari, noticing the tears begin to build up. He watched as the blonde stared longingly at the raven haired male who also looked upset. "I think we should make our way back," Kirishima piped up and began to walk back on himself, grabbing his boyfriends wrist and pulling him along.

On the way back, tension filled the car as Sero still tried desperately to ignore his best friend and crush. Kaminari looked out the window at the fast passing scenery and let a tear fall down his soft cheek. He quickly wiped it away but another soon fell to replace it. a few minutes later, tears begun to stream down the blonde's face as he silently cried, hiding his face successfully. His eyes felt like waterfalls, the tears never stopped no matter how hard he tried. He rubbed his eyes roughly, thinking that would stop the tears. It only ended up making his eyes red. Kaminari glanced at the black haired male. He noticed the headphones in his ears and how his gaze was firmly set on the scenery like his own once were. He sniffled quietly as to not raise suspicion. He didn't want to be caught crying over something so stupid like being ignored. But it hurt him. How Sero easily shrugged him off. How he was easily replaceable. How Sero just blatantly ignored him the whole day. How he lost the love of his life- His breath hitched as his heart pounded faster. The longer he thought about it, the more sense it made. He was in love. And the person who stole his heart hated him. The tears streamed down quicker after that thought. Before he realised it, his breathing was doing the same. He let out a small sob by accident. Panicking, he covered his mouth as the red head in the passenger seat turned around to look at him. "Kami? Oh my god what's wrong?" He asked with a hushed voice. Kaminari ignored his question and shook his head violently as he closed his eyes. He lifted his legs to his chest and hid himself with them. He heard a quiet whisper and the car came to a brief stop. Kirishima opened his door and walked towards Kaminari's. He opened it and placed a hand on the others shoulder. This finally caught Sero's attention. He pulled out both of his headphones as he watched the red head. Silence filled the car. Sero looked to the ash blonde driver for an answer. He shook his head and pointed back at the other blonde. The newly found silence was broken by a stream of heavy sobs coming from Kaminari. Sero's eyes widened as he realised what he'd done. The blonde's sobs began to shake his considerably small frame as he began to break down. Kirishima wrapped his arms around the troubled male, whispering reassuring words into his ear. Sero sat unmoving as he watched the scene play out in front of him. His mouth opens slightly as he tried to speak words which weren't there. He felt his heart shatter into a million different pieces. Sero wrapped his arms around Kaminari, holding him in a tight imbrace. He knew he was the reason for the outburst and he wanted to fix what he'd broken. If that was even possible. Kirishima let go and walked back to his place in the car, sitting back down and telling Bakugou to drive. Kaminari calmed down but tears still fell down his face. He finally looked at the person hugging him to see the raven haired male. Noticing this, he pushed Sero down and wrapped his arms around him, squeezing him tightly as if even a little less pressure and he would dissapear. The blonde begins to ball again, the difference this time being the reason. The blonde's face broke out into a broad smile which stretched from ear to ear. He began mumbling 'I'm sorry' repeatedly into the raven haired male's ear.

Bakugou parked his car in the parking area of Yuuei. Him and Kirishima got out of the vehicle and waited for the other 2 males to get out. After a minute or 2, Bakugou got frustrated and opened the door. Kaminari was cuddling Sero, his head resting on the taller males chest as his arms rested around his neck. Sero has his arms wrapped around the others waist and his head resting on the others head. Both males were fast asleep. Kirishima 'awe'd as he took a picture to show them afterwards. Bakugou began to shout a jumble of swear words at the 2, startling them awake.

Right. The ending for that was so sloppily written and I can tell. Sorry for that though. Anyways, thank you for reading, voting and commenting! Byeeeeee


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