Title? Never heard of her

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I couldn't think of a good title, sorry for that ;—;

3rd POV

Kaminari looks up at his best friend, and current boyfriend, with a small smile on his face. Sero gives him a disapproving look, "I know you're just doing that to try and persuade me that you're okay. I know your not, you're face is red and you're burning hot, now stop being stupid and let me look after you." The smaller male sighs and looks at his boyfriend. He looks at the raven haired males face and the worried look which is placed on it. Kaminari reaches towards Sero's hand and holds it. Sero looks down, surprised at the sudden contact. "Hey, I promise you, I'm not even that bad. Please stop giving me that look, it makes me sad when you're sad. Plus, it's not that... Shocking that I'm ill." The taller male gives the other male a smile and a small chuckle escapes his lips. "You had to make a stupid pun, didn't you?" Kaminari nods. Suddenly he feels a wave of sleep deprivation hit him. "Sero," Kaminari says, yawning, "I'm probably gonna go asleep." Sero goes to leave but his persistent boyfriend grabs his hand and gently pulls him back. "Stay?" He asks tiredly. The raven haired male sighs, "Fine, but only because you're cute." Kaminari makes room on the bed and Sero climbs in. The two finally fall asleep in the warm embrace of one another.

Kaminari wakes up, colder than he was when he fell asleep. He opens his eyes to see, not his dorm room, but his room at home. He gets up and grabs his phone. He looks at the date and his eyes widen to the size of golf balls. "The UA entrance exams are tomorrow!" The blonde immediately clasps his hand over his mouth. He wasn't meant to say that out loud. 'What happened? And where's Sero?' He thought. Then it hits him. He went back in time somehow to before he went to UA. He opens his phone and looks through his contacts, finding his old contact name for the taller male, 'SpiderBitch'. He clicks on the contact and writes out a message.

PikaBitch: Yo wanna hang out today

Sero reply's almost instantly.

SpiderBitch: Yeah sure what time

PikaBitch: Meet me on the bench in 10

Sero sends a thumbs up and Kaminari places his phone down. He gets dressed and begins to walk out the door. That's when something hits him. The two males aren't dating. He sighs and walks towards the bench.

Sero's POV

I arrive at the park and sit on the bench we always meet on. I glance at the apartment building in the distance and see the door open to reveal my best friend. I inwardly sigh when I realise it's going to be another long day of being unintentionally friend zoned by my crush. 'Why can't the guy I lo- No I don't love him.' I think to myself. I shake my head, bring my knees to my chest and rest my head on them. I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Kaminari. "Hey dude, what's up?" He asks. "Nothing, it's fine." I simply reply. He sits down next to me and sighs. "I have something to tell you. It might be really hard to believe but you gotta help me. You're the only person I know who might be able to help, well, minus Bakugou but that's not the point." He pauses to take a deep breath. I take that time to inturrupt, "Who's Bakugou?" I question. Kaminari chuckles under his breath, "You won't know him yet." I give him a quizzical look but let him continue. He holds both my shoulders to make me face him. I get flustered at the sudden contact and blush. "Okay, everything I'm about to tell you is real so please don't freak out. I'm from the future and I was somehow put back into my body here. And before you ask, yes we both passed the UA entrance exams and yes we both ended up in the same class." He finishes. I look at him like he's crazy. "Did you stick a fork into an electric plug again?" He glares at me, "NO! And that was one time!" I snicker and look at him. "If you're really from the future, what is UA like? Who do we hang out with? Are we... Still friends?" I ask, hesitating on the last question. Kaminari's face flushes a light red and he looks to the side. "Well... We hang out with these people, their names are Kirishima, Mina and Bakugou and UA is amazing! We get muddled up with villains a LOT but it helps us with our training. So it isn't all that bad, but can you please try to help me?" He answered all the questions but the one I wanted to know the most. "What about us? Are we still friends?" I ask again. He looks away, "Seriously?" He asks. I nod eagerly. "Fine, we're still friends, but it isn't the same as we are now."
"What is that meant to mean?"

3rd POV

Kaminari looks over at the park to avoid eye contact with his boyfr- ex? Best friend? "I need to tell you, don't I?" Kaminari asks out loud. "You don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable, plus, I don't want to find out how we became distant... It's probably my fault," Sero admits. Kaminari makes a noise of disagreement before correcting him. "We didn't become distant, I promise! I lo-" Kaminari stops abruptly, clears his throat and continues, "I care about you too much." He explains. Sero smiles and unintentionally places his hand on top of the blondes. As soon as it was there, it was gone. "I'm SO sorry I didn't mean to!" Sero shouts. "Ijusyplacedmyhanddownanditkindaju-" Kaminari was done with all the messing around, he kissed the taller male in front of him, cutting him off.

Kaminari jolts out of bed and almost hits the raven haired male in the face. The blonde gets out of the bed and speed-walks out of the room. "Was that real..." He mumbles, not knowing if it was a dream or not. He turns on the tap and splashes the cold water in his face. Arms slither around his waist and he jumps before turning around. He notices his boyfriend and smiles. "I just had the weirdest dream," Kaminari says.

I don't know if I'm being stupid or if this actually is as terrible as I think it is. Either way, thank you so much for reading! I hope you all have a good day/evening/night <3


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