ii. Don't talk , just listen ...

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For Makenzie , hope you enjoy

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For Makenzie , hope you enjoy.

You were upstairs on your balcony watching the stars. Your boyfriend of five years was out doing God knows what.

Lately , he hadn't been home from work early.. he'd always appear home around one or two in the morning smelling like cheap perfume and cigarettes.

you had grew quite insecure seeing that. You had gained a few pounds due to you having a baby 3 months ago. On July 16 at 4 a.m you birthed Lanceton Emilio DeGrate into the world.  You were trying your best to lose weight so he wouldn't leave you... or even worse...

cheat on you

but Devan wasn't like that , he wasn't the type to cheat. At least that's what you told yourself. Hearing the sobs of your baby boy , you found yourself wondering through the halls of your dark apartment. Walking into your baby's room you pouted watching him cry. Reaching into his crib you grabbed him, cradling him into your arms.

'it's okay Lanceton , mommy's here.' You cooed watching as he calmed down. Lanceton was one of the cutest babies ever to you , not just because he was your baby.

He carried hazel eyes from your boyfriend as well as his pretty caramel skin. Not only that, but he took your two deep dimples as well as your curly hair... he was beautiful.

You sat down in the rocking chair that sat in the corner of the room and rocked singing your sweet Lanceton lullaby's trying to get him back to sleep.

He often woke up around this time of night and Devan would come to his rescue—-however, he hadn't been home lately to do that.

'I love seeing you in mommy mode , it's get me all riled up.' You soon heard the nasally voice of your boyfriend. Looking up , you rolled your eyes at him and focused back on Lanceton. It was evident that he was high, his hazy eyes were a shade of red.

'damn , attitude? Can I get a hi daddy?' He asked smartly coming closer to take a look at Lanceton.

'hell no , get away Devan. You stink!" you shrieked covering your nose. He smacked his teeth waving you off.

'I can't talk to my babies nomore ?' he asked and you shook your head no.

'damn.' He muttered taking Lanceton out of your arms making you sigh. You hated when Devan was intoxicated , it was either his way or the high way.

'Put my damn baby down Devan!' You yelled as he only waved you off. 'This my damn baby Y/N. I damn near spit him out.' You knew you weren't going to win this argument.

𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now