VIII. can you hang ?

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it's only a quarter past two .. I don't wanna stop freaking you

You sighed heavily as you tried your best to focus on your painting

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You sighed heavily as you tried your best to focus on your painting. You found yourself staying after class trying to perfect your craft. Painting was one of your favorite things to do, so why not make it a career?

Of course your family doubted you sometimes, said that painting wouldn't make you any money—however, you were going to prove them wrong by any means necessary. Besides , you were pretty content with the amount of money you made off of your art . Fuck what they thought.

However, art class was extremely hard to pay attention in.. your professor was beyond handsome. His tone was deep and dark enough to make any girl cum in their panties . he had the smile of Angel, you often found yourself staring. Yet, those weren't the best things about him. He had the most enticing hazel eyes you'd ever seen.

Professor DeGrate was his name.. twenty-four years young.. tattoos covered his warm brown skin. He was definitely a sight to see. You'd be lying if you said you had never fantasized about being with him. It was true, you did your homework on him and based on that, you knew that you weren't his type— atleast that's what you thought .  You took him as the type who went after extremely beautiful females.

Of course you were beautiful, pure art in human form.. you just didn't know if you were beautiful enough for him. Besides, he's your professor. Nine times out of ten, he didn't see you as anything but his student.

"y/n , what are you doing still here? It's quite a little bit late" his dark tone interrupted your thoughts making you jump just a little. You quickly looked at the time on your watch, seeing it read 11:30 p.m. Seemed as if you got sidetracked , it wasn't hard to especially since your art class was a night class anyway.

you chuckled awkwardly, "I guess time slipped away from me. I was just trying to sketch out this background for my picture." You replied looking at him.

It took everything in you to not bite your lip at the sight of him. He was dashing.. you could slightly see his chest tattoos as they peaked out , the first three buttons on his shirt were unbuttoned.

He smiled at you , "is there anything I could help you out with? I understand this project is a tad bit harder than the others." He said as he walked towards you.

you actually could help me out with a lot. You thought, a smirk forming on your face.

"No, it's fine. I was actually about to get going. It's getting pretty late." You spoke quickly, trying your best to avoid eye contact. You knew if you looked this man in his eyes, your panties would automatically be ruined.

"Aw man, I'd enjoy your company. I was just about to start up my own painting." He spoke again making you nervous. It was 11:30 at night and here you were all alone at school with your professor.. go home or stay?

𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now